During the Clinton administration, she was the first woman to serve as the U.S. Attorney General.
In an episode of the Simpsons, there was a letter sign in front of the church:
“Today’s Sermon: Evil women in history, from Jezebel to Janet Reno.”
Well, she got to live 23 years longer than 21 innocent children in Waco.
Stay classy.
Eh, she was a public figure, and like it or not that’s something she’ll be remembered for. Such as in the 3rd paragraph of the article you linked to in your OP.
There was a parody song about Janet Reno, to the tune of “The Macarena”, that I enjoyed courtesy of Doctor Demento. I can’t find it on YouTube, but a here’s bit purely from memory:
Everybody loves and adores Janet Reno
She’s hot and strong like a cup of cappuchino
Always got a search warrant in her El Camino
Heeeyy, Janet Reno!
I do wish she’d lived long enough to see the official election of a woman to the Presidency. All the crap that was flung at her (thanks :rolleyes: muldoonthief for the example) and she remained unflinching throughout. Stand tall, Ms Reno.
And she took full responsibility for it, rather than blaming the FBI for giving her inaccurate information on which to base her decision. She also took down Aldrich Ames, Ted Kaczynski, the bombers of the WTC (first), Timothy McVeigh and Terry Nichols (OKC)
She first gained fame as the prosecutor in florida who used the “Miami method” of psychological persuasion to convince children they had been molested and then try to prosecute innocent people based on those allegations. One man spent twelve years in prison, one boy spent three years in juvenile detention because of Reno’s office.
She was someone who abused her office.
I don’t know that I’ll really miss her but somehow I’m sad she’s gone.
SNL is having a pre-election special tonight. I wonder if if they’ll include a clip of Will Ferrell’s portrayal of her. The whole show can’t just be Clinton / Trump skits (I hope).
Show us on the doll where the bad lady touched you.
That was pretty widespread at the time and you’re right: it was flawed from the get-go and caused a lot of harm. I had a friend in Boston who got caught up in that after a “counselor” interviewed his son and kept prompting him for different answers. Then they trotted out the whole “children never lie” nonsense. Perhaps, but they will certainly try to please an adult by changing their answers.
She must have seen 24 hours into the future (Election Day 2016) and said: “Fuck this shit, I’m gone.”