In reading about prostitutes unless you are some world class beauty it seems that a woman making a living as a hooker has to entertain a fair number of men to earn decent money. Not be overly blunt about it, but wouldn’t they get a sore vagina having intercourse multiple times a day, day in and day out? Do prostitute vaginas “toughen up” over time or what?
For many of them; drugs.
From the few I’ve known (I’ve known a lot of people that sometimes I hate to admit to knowing) 99% of what they do is more likely to leave them with a sore jaw and tennis elbow.
PIV was rare.
Yeah I bet they do get sore, especially because I would imagine that in many cases they’re supposed to just go with what the john wants and not tell the guy to be a little more gentle, which a lot of us non-prostitutes often have to do.
But hey, how many people get sore at work in one way or another? Feet, back, etc. You just deal with it. (Totally different thing mentally but I’m just talking physically here.)
Those losers probly bust in 10 seconds cause they cant get real pussy.
Stay classy, dude.
lube? As others have said, I was under the impression that handies and blowjobs were as common if not more common than PIV sex.
Whoa, people pay for hand jobs?
If I’m ever going to be a prostitute (and I’m not) I want to be the kind that only gives hand jobs.
I don’t own a vagina, so I wouldn’t know, but I guess that most johns are not necessarily super endowed Hercules who last for hours.
I have a friend who worked as an escort for several years.
Seeing as many mid-range prostitutes (in US cities anyway) make around $250-350 per hour, I’d think you would only have to see maybe a few guys a week to make a decent living. Which isn’t that much sex, even if it is all PIV- I’m sure a lot of people in the world have just as much if not more sex per week (say, 3-5x a week?) So, yeah. 300 dollars times 3 guys = 900 bucks per week, and keep in mind that is usually all tax free.
Not to mention, it’s not like most have sex for the entire hour. There are formalities to follow, introductions to be made as well as foreplay. I’d say most sessions probably only have 15-20 mins max of “real” sex involved, though there’s surely exceptions.
Aloe vera.
I’m not the OP, but since reality didn’t match what he was going for, perhaps people should answer for the case of porn stars?
There is a back button if I offended your Victorian sensibilities in a thread about how prostitutes prevent soreness from vaginal penetration.
Lube. Lots of lube.
QtM, past physician to female sex workers. Also to about every other significant general occupational group on the planet.
A man takes a hooker up to his room and asks her how much, she says $200. He says okay and she starts undressing. When she turns around he’s jerking off. She’s like 'what the hell are you doing?" and he says “For $200 you’re not getting the easy one”.
–Gilbert Gottfried
From what I read on a book about prostitution, the deal is they’ll charge some fee (say, $200 an hour) but if the guy busts a nut before the hour is up then they’re done. So that $200 an hour could be just $200 for 15 minutes, with maybe another 15 minutes of cleaning up then spending half an hour watching the hotel TV eating pizza or something waiting for the next John to call or come along.
So often its not hours of continuous sex, but intermittent sex throughout the day, not any more than any particularly fiesty individual might have with a conventional sex partner.
The girls in the bars here all keep a supply of lube. The street girls too, usually. Some are lazy and will quit after one or two tricks, but there are some really industrious ones who try hard to get the guy to finish quickly and then return to their bar to go hunting for the next one. I’ve known some girls of the “Wham, Bam, Thank You Ma’am” school who can go through several in a night!
What do you think massages with “happy endings” are?
Besides “awesome”?