How do I get my signature to automatically show up?

I lost a bet here. So for the next six months, my signature will be as shown below. However, it seems that I have to make sure that the “show your signature” box is ticked each time. I thought there was a way to have it always show up but I can’t seem to find it in User CP.

The default is to have it off because it is preferred that the signature be shown no more than once per thread.

It’s not possible to customize it on a per-user basis, as the default state of the checkbox is set on the page template. (OK, this isn’t 100% true, you could define a custom variable to allow for user-specific defaults, but given the policy of limited sig posting and general aversion to customization, that’s pretty unlikely.)

Simple userscript:

// ==UserScript==
// @name        check sig
// @namespace   12345
// @include*
// @version     1
// @grant       none
// ==/UserScript==


At one time, I seem to recall the mods were acting on excessive per-page sig appearances, but I don’t recall having seen that recently. Anyone know if this is still policed?

I don’t know about emcee’s script but just as a sidenote in case you’ve forgotten or never knew, previewing the post will wipe away the check to show signature, so click it again after previewing or simply don’t bother until you’re ready to post for real.

Note too that many posters will have selected the option to block signatures anyway.

But he lost a bet to Bricker! And now he’s manning up to it!

To respectfully help him do this, our admins should certainly be willing to make a customized tweak to these boards just for stpauler, so that his sig will always appear, and not be blockable by other users. It’s just a modest one-line sig too.
It’s only for six months, so have no fear!
Be grateful that it doesn’t last all year!
[indent](Apologies to Tom Lehrer.)[/indent]

If only there were some way to get text to show up in a post even if sigs are not enabled.


And that’s true, but the sig he has to show for losing the bet is not a complimentary close.

We haven’t had to, because the default is now to have the signature off.

Should I be under the assumption then that I should only add it once per thread?
(Not adding it just in case here)

That would be correct.

How about broadcasting your loss via a (paid) custom title? Maybe Bricker would pony up the cash.

Yet, Shodan seems to have figured out how to do it, as his sig always seems to show up. Even if, y’know, it’s not strictly technically a sig. So (hint, hint) that’s how it’s done.

Just type or cut-and-paste your sig message into every post you make. And if that’s a bit of extra work you have to do for every post, . . . well, let that be part of the price stpauler has to pay! :slight_smile: Lost the bet? Extra effort? Grovel, worm, grovel! :slight_smile: :slight_smile: :slight_smile:

stpauler loses bet, mans up! Gotta love it! (Whether stpauler is actually a male-type man or a female-type man, which I don’t know.)

(ETA: Said with all due respect. If I were to lose a bet to such as Bricker (assuming I were to actually make a bet with same), I’d shrivel in shame and disgrace.)

Actually, have the signature guidelines (“once per thread”) changed recently? Today I’ve noticed threads where a person’s signature is appearing in every post s/he makes. Not a big deal, I can turn my ability to view sigs off (and will, if that recommendation has indeed changed), but I was just wondering. If so, it’s not reflected in the relevant FAQ post.

From the FAQ:

Yeah, there are several posters who post their sig in every post even though it’s discouraged. Personally I don’t care but I have noticed them.

Yup, that’s the relevant FAQ I was talking about, where it says it’s recommended to be used only once in a thread. As I said, it’s a guideline, not a rule, but I’ve never noticed anyone not following it before yesterday–in fact, it’s been so well-followed that I’ve always assumed that the “Show Signature Once per Thread” add-on was one of the few mods Jerry was allowed to install to the board. (It’s one of the best add-ons ever, if you ask me! So easy and yet saves so much agita.)

Anyway, even without the add-on, the guideline seems to be something immensely popular with the plebescite and mods alike. I remember when folks complained of the “Regards” issue, not to mention that “God Bless You and James Otto Always!!” chick whoever she was, the response was always “well, those aren’t actually signatures, they’re sign-offs, and those are allowed.” By which I took to mean that if they had been signatures the mods would’ve asked/reminded the users to follow the guideline.

Well like I said, it’s not something I’m running on top of the barricades and flying my flag a la Les Miserables about. It was just so odd to see someone other than a newcomer posting multiple signatures in a thread that it seemed worth asking. As you were, gentlefolk!

Sometimes in life you have to pick the fight you want to have, the hill you want to die on.

While mostly we’ve felt that signatures should be like lingerie – brief and barely seen – unless you’re posting some major manifesto at the bottom of every posting you make it really doesn’t matter overmuch. Does it?