I’d like to make an animated avatar for a message board I go to. Can I do this from a saved .avi file and make it avatar size? If so, how? Thanks.
Create an animated .gif
Jasc Software www.jasc.com have an excellent product called animation shop - you get it bundled with paint shop pro.
You can use it to set up an animation of any number of frames and put whatever BMP/etc pictures into the animation, and then turn it into an animated GIF file.
Then upload the GIF to a publically accessible web server and link to it from your message board account.
Joe…it is unlikely that you’ll be able to use an AVI file to make an Avatar for a forum (unless that forum specifically sez they can handle the use of AVI’s). As other posters have noted the simplest way would be to use an appropriate graphics program to create an animated GIF (basically a ‘flip-book’ gif that repeats a limited number of GIF images). If you are really keen on images in that AVI you could go through the laborious processes of starting and stopping the AVI and doing ‘print screen’ captures of steps in it’s animation…then cutting and pasting those into the GIF. Be warned that unles sthe AVI is of superior quality however those captures would lilkely look pretty dreadful. A simple GIF animation (done pretty well in the old fashioned way, frame by frame) will still often look pretty slick.
Well, no big deal; all I need are twelve or so images, and those are easily makeable.
Thanks for the help!
I used Jasc Animation shop and came up with this—thanks again!