How do I quickly turn a buck fifty into a buck seventy?

I need advice from some of you ripped dopers out there. I weigh 150 lbs and have a high speed metabolism, so I have weighed 150 since high school (6 years ago). I recently joined a gym to try to put some weight on and I want to do it as quickly as possible. I am not looking to get huge or have an awsome body, I just want some muscle and a little thickness in the chest and arms adn to put on about 20 lbs of muscle.

Anyone have any really effective weight gain plans that they have used in the past? I do not have the time to eat 6 times a day so I am guessing I will need to use supplements but I dont want to jump into anything that wont work.

Any advice?

Well … just skimming past the thread title, and not really paying much attention to the OP whatsoever, … I’d go with a dime, a nickel and five pennies.

Glad I could help.

With every meal, eat 2/3 cups of Mayonnaise. Hellmann’s or Best Foods only, please.

Your shitting me right Cynical?

I wouldn’t shit you. You’re my favorite turd.


I’d say that anybody who eats 2 cups of mayonnaise a day would have shitting placed prominently on their agenda.

Oh jesus god almighty, I dont want this thread to turn into a cluster poop.

Can anyone answer my OP?

Look at this site. You should be able to find what you need there.

If you don’t have the time to eat 6 meals a day, make sure you eat 3 larger meals. Protein is your friend. Carbs are also important. Just don’t overdo either one, or at least make sure you’re getting plenty of aerobic exercise to help you burn fat. Aerobic exercise is also important because it will condition you to haul around the extra bulk you want.

Water is crucial. Work different muscles every session, and don’t be afraid to let your body rest – every other day is plenty of gym time. Talk to a trainer at the gym – they should be able to suggest something more concrete, both for diet and for exercise plan.

However, when all is said and done you won’t be adding 20 lbs. of muscle. You’ll be adding muscle, fat, and bone if you do it right. You’ll also have to maintain it once you’ve got it. You may be better off simply toning what you have and not worrying so much about your body weight.

I’m naturally broad and muscular, and I bulked up in high school via sports, weights, and a craving for beef and chicken. I’m only 5’3" but my ideal weight is about 165-170. However, age and some other factors (injuries etc.) have pushed my fat ass up to about 220. Even when I was in good shape, clothing was a bitch to buy – nothing fit my arms, chest, thighs or calves. It’s worse now, since I have a gut to worry about as well. Be careful what you wish for – you may get it.