How do they fit so many clowns in a clown car?

They’re a superposition of quantum clowns, any number of which, being unobserved by the circus audience, can occupy the same space in the interior of the car. They only have to occupy distinct space from one another once they are observed, which only happens as they emerge from the car.

So if I ran up and peeked in the window, there would be a mass implosion of clowns? Would the car be damaged?

What’s the big mystery? Barnum & Baily and the Ringling Bros. were the first to develop working transporters.

Isn’t it rich? Are we a pair? A trio? Quintuplet?
Me here at last on the ground and you in mid-car
Shove in the clowns

Isn’t it bliss? Don’t you approve?
One who keeps tearing off farts and one who can’t move?
But where are the clowns? Shove in the clowns

According to Jim Bruin in Post #11 above, they paint the windows. Now you know why.

:smiley: I think I will never hear “Send in the clowns” again.

But they leave a slit. I could look in the slit.

In which case you’d find that clowns are both particles and waves!

“Run for the hills, folks! We’re gonna be up to our armpits in Martians!”

You can look in one slit. It’s when you have two slits that you run into trouble.

Schroedingers Circus! It simultaneously is and is not the Greatest Show on Earth!

Bozogami-the art of clown folding.

Just don’t use Heavy Water from the Bat-Nuclear Reactor.

I am so stealing this to use in Games if I get a chance. In Made-up False and Flat-out Wrong Trivia Dominoes we’re into clowns. If I do use it, I’ll cite you.*

*as ClownMaster Czarcasm

That’s right, but it only works because clowns are Bozons. If they were Fermions, two could not occupy the same space.

They use a [del]shoe[/del] clown horn.

When I looked inside the car it was clowns all the way down…

And how does all this quantum clown stuff relate to silly-string theory?

New meaning to “Cram it, clownie!”

THere’s an unfortunate downsideto the whole thing, though.

:smiley: Loved this! Thanks.

When I was 8 years old, our family car was a Crosley Station Wagon. 5 children and two parents getting out of a Crosley must have appeared very clown like.