You take the elephant out first.
Ba-DUM tissshhhhhh
A made-for-TV movie is to follow… Seven Rides for Seven Udders.
:: runs away screaming ::
First off, having been through Ogdensburg more than a few times - wow. (I thought everyone there drove pick-ups.)
Secondly, Cal Meacham, don’t you remember the “dead baby” cycle of gross-out jokes?
(Spoiler box used to spare the squeemish.)
[spoiler]Q: How do you get 1000 dead babies into a Volkswagen?
A: La Machine
Q: How do you get them out?
A: A straw.[/spoiler]
See, that’s what comes from living in a climate where your brain freezes every winter and you have spent your life drinking polluted river water.
What should you call seven calves in a Neon?
And after you get them out?
Take off their hats?
Oh, no, that’s Popes in a Volkswagon.
Six of your friends and Heather Mills McCartney?
Oooohhhhh, *cow * calves.
**Dianag{/b] - That would be three friends and Heather Mills McCartney, unless you have 6 friends with one leg amputated.
Mmmmmmmm. . . veal!
I can’t, and don’t call me a “hoe”!
Okay, let’s assume they were newborn calves. How big is a newborn calf, and can one get SEVEN into a 2000 Dodge Neon? (I mean, he did, but yikes!)
They’re not that big. Roughly the size of a large dog. Volume-wise there’d be no issue.
I would say “with a blender.”
Ass Kicking Contest.
So, seven German shepherds in a Dodge Neon? Is that the 2 door or 4 door version?
I think he made more than one trip.