How do you carry your keys?

I keep my keys on a ring tied to my belt with a shoestring. I used to lose them all the time, haven’t happened since I started using shoestring. It’s not very noticable when pocketed and most people don’t notice it unless I actually open a doo, so there’s that.

I have a blue key doohickey that I bought at Walt Disney World, in the general shape of Mickey Mouse’s head (looks similar to this: I stuff the Mickey head into my pocket, leaving the keys to dangle freely from my pants.

8mb SIMM card. Car key on one side, ring with my other keys on the other side. They hold up really well and it’s large enough that my keys don’t get lost yet not really cumbersome in my pockets (and they’re usually in a coat pocket anyway)

I carry mine attached to a mini Maglite.

Very usable as a weapon and much less likely to be taken away at airports, etc., than the kubaton I used to carry.

Typically I usually just carry my car remote & ignition key in my pocket. The rest of my keys stay in the car, they have a garage door opener on the ring so that’s how I get in and out of the house.

On a ring in my pocket. One car key, one car fob, two house keys and 4 loyalty cards.

I’m a woman who doesn’t carry a purse, so I need to always have pockets.

In my pocket. On a ZZ Top keyring! :smiley:

Mine is in my purse usually. Has the house keys, spare car key, spare car remote thingy, I have a remote that works my garage door and my front deadbolt lock, there’s a swiss army knife hanging on there, my SecureID token (for work), and lastly a key to locks that control some lighting at O’Hare Airport. The way it looks you’d never know it was a key - it’s more like a lever thing you’d insert into a “lock” kind of thing. It’s hard to explain. Got that from a friend who was an electrician at O’Hare.

On a plain keyring in my endless pockets.

same as OP. but most days i’m wearing chef pants and they don’t have belt loops.