How do you do the Dope?

I always peek at the Pit to see if I’ve been pitted. And I’m always disappointed :frowning:

I check the Cafe and the Game Room nearly everyday.IMHO am MPSIMS maybe twice a week. General Q’s and ABTMB a few times a month.The Pit,Maybe once a month,rarely visit the others.

Did you catch The Marmite Horror by Mr. Excellent, Oct. 4, 2009?

Oh, as for the OP’s question: How do you do the Dope?

Just mainline it, usually.

I click on ‘‘new posts’’ and go down the ‘‘replies’’ column. On a just average day I glance at all those with less than 10 replies. If I am busy I may look glance only at those with less than 5 replies.

I just skim the top of MPSIMS and IMHO every day (or two). GQ, CS, and BBQ if I am extra-bored; usually only get around to that once a week. No system, no subscriptions, no searching. I never use the ‘new posts’ feature.

“New Posts” every time.
I suppose I should use some of the other options, but it keeps me ‘in the game’ so to speak.

Cafe Society, IMHO then GQ.

I avoid GD because it tends to attract emotionally troubled people with too much time on their hands.

My method exactly. :slight_smile: