Last Sunday I was bored with time to kill, so I was using a plastic cup to capture ants. I noticed two types, a really fast black ant, and a stouter red ant. I figured these were different species, and assumed the red ant was a fire ant.
I managed to capture a black ant and a red ant, with the hopes I would have my own little miniature thunderdome. However I was greatly disappointed to find that the ants were more interested in finding their way out than killing each other
What, you looking to lose a few karma points or something? I don’t object to killing animals if it’s for a good reason, but making animals fight to the death just because you’re bored ain’t too cool.
Like I said, I have no objection to killing animals for the right reason (I’m as much an omnivore as the next guy, for example), and I certainly think it’s overdoing it to sweep the ground ahead of you as you walk, but deliberately killing for fun, even if it’s something that minor, strikes me as juvenile at best.
First train one of them to coach a losing football team… in Texas.
Seriously, a worker ant that is cut off from his nest is probably going to be more interested in reconnecting with the mothership, so to speak. Also, the ants may eat different stuff and have no need to compete for resources.
As a person who used to capture insects in jars as a child, I will tell you that the most interesting fight I witnessed was two ants from the same colony versus a robber fly. Working together, the ants took him down hard.
How about humming that Captain Kirk Fight Music from when he had to fight Mr. Spock, I think, with nets and those trident thingies? That music worked as a great incentive for me when I was beating up on my sister when we were kids, even if I never did get to fight her to the death.
Hand each of them a tiny sword and half shield and inform them (in Latin) that they must fight to the death for their freedom.
We who are about to die salute you.