How do you handle this awkward social situation?

I’m such the wrong person to ask about this as I will have conversations in checkout lines, bus stops, and doctor’s offices. I like talking and I figure if they don’t want to talk, they’ll make that clear somehow. I’ve met and become friends with a lot of really cool people because I said hi to them, the second time I saw them at the bus stop.

Here is how I’d resolve the situation: "I missed your name the first time around, I’m So and so. Flippity-Doo? That’s a nice name. PS, I’m loving the shirt you’re wearing, where did you get it? I’m looking for a birthday gift for my grandma, uncle, nephew, brother, partner, boss, me and voila you’re off on a conversation.

Oh, you haven’t heard? It was my understanding that everyone had heard.

Have you been saved?

Fart long and loud and then say “man, I’ve been holding that in for two hours…”

“Woah. What happened there?”

“Do I smell?” (followed by a grin).

“So who exactly do you know here?”

“Phew. Those lot were dicks” (add a giggle).

I’m not exactly mr confidence, but this really is a thread about “how do you ask someone a question and/or make small talk”.

I went to 4 years of journalism school and got my BS in journalism, but went on to a career in something completely different.

However, the skills in learned in journalism school make this situation completely un-awkward for me. I just start interviewing the other person and it works out just fine.

If it’s at all possible that one of you might not know the other persons name, tell them your name. They will reciprocate, possibly gratefully, since you may saved them the embarrassment of not remembering your name. Take the burden of conversation, ask questions that cannot have one word answers. “tell me about… how do you feel about…” etc