How do you use an Ipod and Itunes?

IMO, the biggest mistake first-time ipod owners make is allowing iTunes to sync music, because it creates problems like the OP.

To prevent this from happening again, please:

  1. Plug in your ipod.
  2. Open up iTunes.
  3. Click on your ipod icon (it’s under “Devices” on the left).
  4. Click the “Music” tab.
  5. Uncheck the “sync music” box.
  6. Repeat this for every category (pictures, podcasts, movies, etc.).

Repeat for every computer the ipod may come in contact with.

I meant to get back to this thread sooner. kaylasdad99, there’s a lot of good beginner (and beyond) level info on this site. I’ve recommended it to quite a few people and they’ve found it quite useful. There’s a forums section too but I’ve received better advice here as far as that part of it goes.