How does one find out what a dog is worth?

How does one find out how much a dog is worth, money-wise?

A friend may give me her dog, and although she won’t want money, I know she’s incurred quite a bit of cost buying and caring for the dog so I may give her some money for it anyway.

I haven’t done a web search yet (I know I should have before I posted this question, but it didn’t come to mind until just now, and I’m pressed for time)

Is there a web page for dogs that’s like a “blue book” for cars?

The dog is a pure-bred Pomeranian, about a year old. It’s been fixed, so there’s no breeding possibility.

Try this for a start

Pomeranian-AKC Breed Standard

I think dogs are like yachts, if you have to ask the price, you can’t afford it.

Revtim - I read your question wrong. I don’t know how you would compensate. I see the need to guess, though, so the compensation doesn’t seem really strange.

Well, I don’t know if that there Pomeranian is yeller, but if he is, I’ll swap ya a horny toad for 'em.

If you want to find out exactly what the dog is worth, I’ve got one word for you: ebay. :wink:

Look in the classified ads for somone selling the same type of dog you have and see what they are asking. If you live in a sufficiently large city, you should get a few numbers to take the average of. If you live in a small city (town or cave), look at the online classifieds of a big city newspaper.

Prepare yourself for the shock of how much pure-bred dogs go for.

Well, I think she paid 600 bucks for it as a puppy, so I doubt I will be surprised by the amount.

The point may be moot anyway; I just got back from drinking with her ex-boyfriend (who’s a close friend, closer than the pom owner. I know her through him, mostly). It turns out HE wants the dog, and has some good claim to it since he could be considered part owner, having put up some bucks to pay for shots and the like. It was even his idea for her to get the dog.

I think I’m a better choice to have the dog, though, the ex has a big-ass mean akita in his house, that nips the pom every once in a while. The pom tries to sniff the akita’s ass, and the akita doesn’t like that. Plus, I’ll spend more time with the dog, and dammit, I love the little furball and I don’t think he loves it as much as I do.

Here’s some pics by the way:

Goddamn, this is turning out to be a tough situation. I don’t want to risk my friendship with the ex-boyfriend, but I also don’t want the pom to end up chunks in the akita’s stool.

I don’t want to turn this into an IMHO thread; please continue with suggestions on how I can find the monetary worth of the dog. Thanks.

Sorry, try this

Don’t listen to Tomas,he does’nt even hve a dog.