How does this song make you feel?

I wrote it and I’m looking for some input from someone “outside the box” to tell me how it makes you feel. More specifically, what would you be feeling if you knew the song was about you.


Be prepared, it’s a very sad song. I am looking for both male and female input.

Thank You.

Sorry, I’m confused. Where’s the song? I go to the link but I can’t find it there.

Scroll down the page just a little and it’s listed under Singles. There is a grey circle and a green circle just to the right and that’s LoFi or HiFi. It’s the first song titled “Maybe”.

I hope you can get back to listen as there have been over 60 hits to this thread and not one response :frowning:

I clicked on the “hifi” link above the list of songs and it played.

The song really did nothing for me at all. All of the emphasis is on the lyrics and the lyrics aren’t strong enough, in my opinion, for that.*

I compare it to the next song, which has more lyrical interest and more going on musically, and it also takes more advantage of the voice.

So, I guess the song makes me feel indifferent.

*I write poetry and hang out with poets. That makes me very lyric-centered and, frankly, that makes my opinion pretty darned irrelevant.

Hmmmm… okay Well, thanks for listening anyway :slight_smile:

(An unsolicited opinion: consider not saying “thanks for listening anyway” when people don’t respond the way you expect/hope. You asked for feedback, all of it is valid, so a simple “thanks for listening” – if not also “for taking the time to provide a thoughtful comment” – is much better than implying that someone’s feeback was somehow wrong, which is what the “anyway” says to me. It’s ok if you’re looking for an ego stroke, but in that case you just need to say so. :slight_smile: )

I think “wistful” is a better word for the song than “sad.” I didn’t really have an emotional reaction to it, because I was listening critically (as a singer and lyricist). I agree with jsgoddess that the lyrics aren’t terribly strong, but I’ve definitely heard worse. Hell, I’ve written worse! :smiley: My immediate thought was that the song needs a bridge before that last verse: I think that a bridge would make it feel more like a full song, and would give the listener time to digest the other verses before you switch things up. Just my two cents, of course.

If you don’t mind a slight hijack, what do you think of the DMusic site/service? I’ve never seen it before, but it looks like an interesting option for getting some of my homemade MP3s posted (instead of eating up the space on my personal web site).

I don’t recall asking for criticism on the song, whether it be constructive in your eyes or not. So if you’re not going to reply to the OP then why bother replying at all?

Feeling indifferent or having no emotional reaction obviously is not the kind of answer I was looking for and really serves no purpose to the OP.

It was okay. I agree with Misnomer that it needs a little more. It sounds unfinished.

IANAS/S (singer/songwriter), just a listener.

“Indifferent” and “no emotional reaction” are reactions to the song. Or did you really just want validation that it’s good? :confused:

:rolleyes: What I’m looking for is “what would you be feeling if you knew the song was about you.” If no one is honest enough to answer that question then will someone please close this thread.

Did you write the song in lieu of telling the person how you felt?

If so, then I would be more upset by that instead of the lyrics.

dreamer, your attitude completely sucks. By not allowing – and only childishly acknowledging – any reaction but the one you specifically asked for, you are being incredibly closed-minded and ungracious. What a crappy way to treat people who took the time to listen to your song and offer constructive comments about it.

" :rolleyes: ," indeed.

I apologize if my attitude seems pissy. It’s just that I wrote this song last week about someone I care very deeply about and who practically turned my life upside down. Now, looking back, I’m extremely worried about how he’s going to take it.

I didn’t ask for criticism on the song itself or any kind of validation. I just wanted to know from someone else’s point of view, how the person on the other end might feel.

Again I apologize if my attitude came across as rude.

If it were about me, I’d feel … well, I’m not sure I understood all the lyrics, but from what I got, I might feel guilty, like I’d been (inadvertently?) leading somebody on. I might feel compelled to explain myself.

Overall, I’m getting neutral. Wistful or reflective I guess. The first part was the strongest, and I’d feel betrayed and, frankly, sort of pissed that you toyed with me like that, but the verse ended weak musically so the effect wears off.

The OP has requested that this thread be closed.

I disagree. You wrote a song, and you asked people “how it makes you feel. More specifically, what would you be feeling if you knew the song was about you.” You also said you wanted them to feel sad. That’s not the reaction you got, you got “wistful” and “indifferent” and “upset”. Those are all reactions to “how it makes you feel.”

dreamer, you’ve called those reactions dishonest. I don’t think so, and I don’t think that’s either fair or appropriate. You asked for reactions and I think you obviously DID get honest ones. People gave freely of their time (or wasted their time, depending on your point of view) listening to your song to respond to your request: that’s kindness on their part, and you’re out of order questioning their honesty when they’re doing you a favor.

If you didn’t want reactions, you shouldn’t have posted what you did. So, I don’t agree with your request for closing the thread. Threads in Cafe Society can be closed if they get abusive, if they get completely hijacked off course, or for a few other reasons. But not just because the OP didn’t get the response he was looking for.

The refinement of the question “what would you be feeling if you knew the song was about you?” is not one to which you can get any kind of answer that would be meaningful. The answer depends on the past history, on how that person feels about you, and on the present circumstances. If that’s all you’re interested in, how the person the song is aimed at will respond, then you’re asking the wrong question in the wrong way and in the wrong forum.

I think what you’re really asking is “If I show this song to this guy, what is his likely reaction?” If that’s what you want, then it belongs in the IMHO forum, not in Cafe Society. You’ll have to provide enough background for people to try to put themselves in his shoes. I don’t know if you’ll want to do that or not. (If you do decide to repost there, please let the Moderators know that I said it belongs there, not here; wouldn’t want them moving it back and forth.)

In short, the question you’ve asked and the forum you’ve asked it in, you’re asking for responses to the song, and that’s what you’re getting.

So, I’m not going to close the thread.

Having said that, I also think that any potential posters here should note the circumstances, and decide whether they want to spend/waste time listening to the song and responding, given the OP’s reactions so far.