How Far Back Does The Love/Hate Storylines Go?

By love/hate I mean the type of relationship that was between Sam and Diane on Cheers.

I was watching Leave It To Beaver today and Beaver hates Penny (a weak ass replacement for Judy) and then Penny says she’s moving away and Beaver discovers he likes her. Then she goes to her parents and they agree to let her live with her Grandmother so she can stay. Beaver then hates her again.

So obviously the plot is quite an old one.

I’m not much of a movie buff but I’m sure there are probably lots of movies like this.

So I was wondering what was the first movie to have a storyline like this?

How about plays? Were there any with this type of storyline? If so how far back do they go?

What about Operas? Or Books?

It goes as far back at least as far as Shakespeare’s “Taming of the Shrew.”

More like Beatrice and Benedick in “Much Ado About Nothing”–Katerina had some damned good reasons outside her own cursed nature to be pissed at the world in general and Petruchio in particular!

courtesy my best friend the English Professor

I think there have been love/hate relationships as long as there have been stories.

(certainly pre-dating Leave it to Beaver)

Achilles and Penthesilea?

Shrew was written before Much Ado, unless you mean that Katharina/Petruchio isn’t “really” a love/hate relationship, which I don’t think I understand or agree with.

Oenone and Paris? I mean, Paris does beg Oenone to take him back after having initially dumped her for Helen, but she refused, only to kill herself upon learning of his death, which I think indicates that she still loved him.

I was going to say Zeus and Hera, but I don’t think Hera ever actually loved Zeus so much.