How Geeky Are You

2.718281828459045. . .

Geeky enough, ultrafilter?


At least ten of those are correct. I haven’t bothered in a while to memorize more of pi than is necessary for a cool party trick.



But, um, yeah, I know cooler party tricks too.

How geeky am I? So I’m standing out on the smoke porch at work with my boyfriend. We’re both lost in thought. Suddenly, our eyes meet…the following conversation ensues.

–Whatcha thinkin’ about?
–Thinking about what I want to do with you tonight…
–What’s that?
–I need your help getting the network set up so I can get to your computer from mine.
–Oh. Okay. Wanna do anything special after that?
–Yeah, I figured we’d play computer games until bedtime.



Tygr - when I was in HS, I worked printing napkins. For a long time I could name any font I saw that I was familiar with (and we had several standard fonts). I still hate Parisian (I think that’s the right name) because the set we had was in such bad shape.

Do you know what the font for the banner is? It looks awfully familiar. I want to say New York or Manhattan.

I turned 32 this last week. Mrs. Tonk was ribbing me about what an old man I’m becoming, as this is the first time she remembers having to buy two boxes of candles for my birthday cake.

With incredible restraint, I refrained from explaining to her that if she were capable of counting in binary, she could have represented the value 32 with only five lit candles. (thats 5 bits in the ‘on’ state.)

[sub]Soon enough some other geek is gonna remind me that binary starts at zero and 11111 in binary is really 31. But since people don’t have parties for their zeroth birthday, I started counting at one.[/sub]

Woo hoo! Two bucks! Now I can buy a burger at McDonalds! :slight_smile:

Well, I’d always thought it was just a stretched out version of Impact, but now that I think about it, the “S” is different. And the New York I know is used as a Mac system font - it’s a thin-stroked serif font. Dang, Z, now that’s gonna bug me until I track it down. Souldn’t be too difficult to find.

Then again, nowadays, with desktop publishing applications so common, everybody fancies himself a fontographer, so there’s a horrible glut. That’s also why upwards of 90% of the new fonts out now are Butt-Ugly Fonts™. Then you get the yahoo that thinks he’s the second-coming of Nicolas Jenson himself, just because he moved the serifs a half-point on the lower-case “c” in Times Roman and renamed the entire font after himself.

Parisian, huh? Yeah, that’s a fairly popular art deco font, though it’s limited in its usefulness. Like where I’m at now, designing pieces aimed at management-level of the construction industry, there’s really not much call for such a light typeface.

Sheesh… just read over what I’ve written so far. NOW do y’all believe I’m a font geek?

I think about it, though. I figure I’ve got a fair amount of geekiness in the breadth, if not the depth.

I mean, I’ve got nothing like Max’s or Venus’s amount of gaming cards. But I do own one set of cards for the RAGE game (based on Werewolf: The Apocalypse, IIRC).

I’ve got quite a bit of Star Wars stuff, though I’m nowhere near SPOOFE levels.

I follow Star Trek, Buffy, X-Files, Farscape.

Collect comic books and the occasional action figure.

So see? Not that deep in the geekiness, but a fairly wide gamut.

Tygr - I found the font I was remembering - it is called “Empire” (Empire State Building -> NY, eh?)

However this font has a slightly different G. has a good search engine.

And remember that my job was printing napkins, like you see at weddings. Decorative fonts such as Parisian were more useful than readable fonts. We also had Raleigh, Brush, Broadway, etc.

You may be a font geek, but I either like fonts or geeks, because I enjoyed your posts. :smiley:

That’s e, not Euler’s constant [sym]g[/sym], which is approximately equal to .5772156649…

I trip over my own feet and fall down. A lot. Ouch.

On family car trips I amuse myself by coming up with
assembly language mnemonics for license plates, eg

HCF->Halt and Catch Fire
JBI->Jump to Bogus Instruction

Can any other female geeks beat that? I dare you

I’m gonna have to start doing that. btw, I love your mnemonic for HCF.

By the way, pi and e are nothin. How many well-known port
assignments do you have memorized? e.g.


My friend Jack claims that “chicks dig me because I can recite
the first 300 well-known ports”. Pity he’s married :frowning:

Here you go Simetra - Top this mod!

screaming skull mod

D&D and Magic…
They are cool enough…

I am a Battle Tec addict. I do not play the Pc game, or the board game. I was up in Seattle and I was working for Wizards of the Coast at their flagship store. The store was actually a gaming center before Hasbro bought out Wizards and closed it down. Until then I spent 40 hours a week in the Pods. Yes Pods.

Imagine climbing into a cockpit and sliding the hatch closed behind you. Imagine being completely surrounded by buttons and flashing lights. I can still see the blips on my radar closing in. I can still see my best friends Mec. being smoked by a newbie.

Battle Tec with no computer players. It was a 3D battlefield in which we fought and died.

//start withdrawal //
sob shake sob
//end withdrawal //

  • Mec. Pilot Zoot Suit

I read all your responses, thought, “Why, I’m not geeky at all, really,” and went back to the list of threads. However, when I came upon this thread and got all excited, I realized I needed to post.

My best claim to geeky fame might be the set of operating systems I’ve got on my laptop. Around here, though, someone might have me beat. They’d have to work at it, though.

Or possibly the number of different programs I’ve got installed, or perhaps the number I actually use.

Naaah…the number of different FILEMAKER applications, that’s the ticket! That’s not the number of databases, mind you, but the number of different versions of the program software itself:

FileMaker Pro 1.0
FileMaker Pro 2.0
FileMaker Pro 2.1 Macintosh
FileMaker Pro for Windows 2.1
FileMaker Pro Server 2.1
FileMaker Pro 3.0
FileMaker Server 3.0
FileMaker Server 3.0 for Windows NT
FileMaker Software Developer Kit 3.0 for Macintosh
FileMaker Pro 4.0 Macintosh
FileMaker Pro 4.1 Macintosh
FileMaker Pro 4.0 for Windows
FileMaker Developer Edition 4.0 for Macintosh
FileMaker Developer Edition 4.0 for Windows
FileMaker Pro 5.0 for Macintosh
FileMaker Pro 5.0 for Windows
FileMaker Server 5.0 for Macintosh
FileMaker Server 5.0 for Windows NT
FileMaker Developer Tool 5.0 for Macintosh
FileMaker Developer Tool 5.0 for Windows
FileMaker Pro 5.5 for Macintosh
FileMaker Pro 5.5 for Windows
Filemaker Pro 5.5 for MacOS X

[sup][sub]I am not a one-trick pony, though…I also have a copy of Excel 5.0 right here on the same hard disk…[/sub][/sup]

Actually, I knew that – it was a ploy to demonstrate how geeky I truly am (in the socially inept sense, at least).

[sub](guess I didn’t read carefully enough)[/sub] :o

I would like to announce that the act of typing up the above makes for geekiness of the highest order.


Ah, yes. That DOES ring a distant bell. I actually seem to remember thinking it looked like Impact a few years ago when I used it…

:: Doffs his hat and bows with a flourish ::

I live but to entertain. :slight_smile:

Hmm, striking such a minstrel-esque pose reminds me…

One area of geekiness I have yet to branch into - Never yet attended a Rennaissance Faire, much less in costume.