How has Former President Trump pissed you off today?

Don’t hold your breath. Trump thinks apology is a sign of weakness.


I thought you might recognize a paraphrase of your own words.

Reasons Trump defends Israel: Because Obama rode them fairly hard to adhere to not doing things like building settlements in the West Bank, and to come to the negotiating table with Abbas. Per standard Trumperating procedure, anything Obama did must be undone, repudiated and stomped into the mud.

Because Mike Pence is an evangelical end-timer and he has Trump’s ear more than most people in the administration.

Because Netanyahu makes sure to keep tickling his paranoid fantasy bone about the Ay-rabs.

Clearly, I did, but you didn’t. Go away now, please.

Trump, in a speech honoring fallen police officers, of course turns it into a tone-deaf political tirade: In speech for fallen officers, Trump touts policies and rails against sanctuary cities

I thought two of Bill Maher’s better rips into преЦАРдент Trump were recently, re: the “witch hunt” and then later on in the show, in an excellent shot at being above the law.

Hm. Infuriatingly fucked. Those links worked beauty yesterday - now they just show a black screen with an exclamation mark.:confused::mad:

It pisses me off that the Obamas couldn’t attend the wedding of their friend because Trump would probably throw a tantrum and cause an international incident. That should never be a consideration in people’s private lives and is just one more reason why Trump is the world’s biggest asshole.

What I suspect what will happen is that the Duke & Duchess will personally invite the Obamas to something very high profile and charity-related soon, and that will get plenty of additional press because it will be one-on-one and not just one-of-many. After all, how many of your wedding guests do you get to spend quality time with at your nuptials anyway?

Really, do you think the Obamas were unhappy about not going? I look at it and see an activity that will probably eat up three days of my time due to travel so I can sit in a church for a couple of hours, and then have (I’m guessing, I haven’t actually heard anything about the reception) a meal crowded into a room with hundreds of people, most of whom you don’t know and will no reason to ever interact again. And you’ll spend, what, a minute at most actually speaking with the principals?

Plus, in his case, it involves dragging along secret service agents and all the other foofarah of security.

Yeah, yeah, pageantry and hats and all that. The thing is, I’ll bet after eight years of state occasions the Obama’s have sated their taste for all that long ago… and if not, they can watch all they want of it on tv from a comfortable couch and toast the couple with a glass of champagne.

Aw, heck, the gals love that shit! So what, let 'em, nobody getting hurt, just flash and fashion and romantic bullpucky. Don’t want to watch, go mow the lawn! That hat is stupid? And a football helmet isn’t?

Well, in that case, why does anyone ever go to a high profile wedding? But that’s not the point. It’s that the very idea had to be rejected because Trump is an asshole.

His own Secretary of State doesn’t buy his paranoid “deep state” bullshit:

Uh-oh. :dubious: Time for a series of tweets about what a great job Pompeo has done and how he has served his country blahblahblah and then…the walk of shame. Better pick up some empty boxes tonight, Mike. Liquor stores are usually a good place to get sturdy ones.

Trump’s letter cancelling the US/NK summit is about as cringeworthy as you would expect. At least his correspondence secretary has captured his, uh, unique “voice”:

Best part is, you don’t have to buy them empty!

I am having trouble reading that without wanting to call it out line by line for its inanity, but here are two that I can’t let go.

I realize that this was just a way of mentioning that the US has nukes, in case anyone was stupid enough to forget that. Oh, well, maybe it’s a reminded to trump…, but anyway, you don’t pray to god about them, it is your own damn finger on the button. You don’t pray to god to prevent you from performing an action.

Awww, he’s such a nice hostage taker. He released some of the hostages that he has kidnapped. Not all of them, just some. But a beautiful gesture.

There is the kind followed aspirational policy of not negotiating with terrorists. This is not always followed, of course, as a practical matter. Complimenting terrorists, maybe not so much.

I’m so going to steal some of that for my next breakup letter. Especially the part about “massive nuclear capabilities”.

You joke, but that is exactly the only thing that came to mind. And it fits with what a lot of people I know said about Trump. When I was upset, they told me this could be the setup for the end times and rapture–from people who seem to have voted for Trump.

I’ll leave you to draw your own conclusions from that last part.

We really need a “posts I am stealing” thread. For the one you’re stealing and your own addition.