How I spent my Saturday – a boring MMP

Welcome Citygirl852 and :eek: I hope everything turns out ok for ya and that asshat gets the boot yet again. Please keep us informed. We’re really [del]nosy[/del] concerned about stuff like this.

Erm, taters, better put some Immodium on that list. :wink:

citygirl, that made me so mad I had to stop typing for a minute. Good on you for writing a letter–keep us posted as to how that all comes out, and welcome to the MMP!

Poor Taters. You have exactly what we had here last week. It must be sweeping the country, and back again. My husband is still at home today, feeling queasy.

Apparently the temp here right now is 94.8°F – and the forecast high is only 93°! So who knows how high we’ll go today? It’s just now noon!

Welcome to Citygirl! I did not mean to leave my welcome out of my earlier post. I hope everything turns out well re: your complaint. That guy sounds like a nutjob!

Here in beautiful Central PA, it is damn hot. According to the Weather Channel, it is 91 with a heat index of 94. The expected high is 99! :eek: It is supposed to cool off later in the week, though.


As much as I love boats, FCM, there is something to be said for having enough money to pay your regular bills for a while. Perhaps you could console yourselves with that thought for a little while if you don’t immediately become boat owners again. Of course I might not be so sanguine about it if I lived close enough to come sail with you.

Bobbio, I’ve got one of those big-assed magnets-onna-stick. They are very handy. Especially in my garage.

From your description of all the drug paraphernalia, Swampy, it sounds like that house was already a home for the developmentally disabled.

Good luck on your diet ** Picu**. BTW, you are 10 months and some odd days older than me.

Didn’t do much over the weekend. Sat. night we went to a friend’s house and watched Rent. I enjoyed the singing and all but think I overdosed on the angst.

Did the farmer’s market yesterday, made very little money. Then went to #2grandson’s third birthday party. Wifey and I got him a Lil’ Movers Motorized Train He loves trains and firetrucks and ambulances and such. I was a big hit and we all played with it for a long time. We’re so grown up. :dubious:

Last night we went to see Pirates of the Caribbean. It was fun but not as funny-fun as the first one.

Today is my day off, so naturally, I’m gonna drive to Eugene (about 95 mi. each way) to pick up supplies. Then, if I have time, I need to go to Costco to get some more supplies. Envy me. At least I get to take the air-conditioned car now that Wifey has Moby.

Sheesh! You guys posted about 10 times while I was typing the above.

Hope you get to feeling better real soon Taters.

I have no words CityGirl. Welcome to the MMP.

BTW, it is currently 65 Merican degrees here with a projected high of 83.

I promised, and I’m delivering. What y’all have been waiting for: the new VunderLair

Some explanations. The painting in the kitchen doesn’t go all the way to the top, because VWife plans on putting up a border, and the wall in the living room will be getting wainscoting. I also have trim to put up in the kitchen.

The kitchen and pantry are a sage green; the living room is a yellow terracotta; the sewing room reminds me of raspberry sherbert; the bedroom is the color of sweet potato pie; and the VunderStudy is a yellowish tan. We haven’t touched the bathroom, because it was fine as it was.

VWife just called. The cleaners are doing their thing, and they’ve made a world of difference. TFD[sup]tm[/sup] was an exceptionally good housekeeper for an old bachelor, but even then there was 20 years of crust that had to be broken off of stuff. Carpets get cleaned tomorrow, as well as DirecTV install. Then we’re ready to go on Friday.

Oh, and if anyone cares, he got his crap out over the weekend, including the vehicles and trailers.

nice - tho that raspberry sewing room seems a little dark - a brighter color paint would add more light to the room - and adequate lighting is essential to any seamstress or tailor

Hey, I work in the paint application department, not the paint selection department. If that’s what Mama wants, it’s what Mama gets…

That room is marginally bigger than the selected bedroom, and I’ve lost every fight so far about switching…

That’s not quite true. When **mika ** and I met, there were also just 2 of us. There were supposed to be more, but some people are wimps and wouldn’t drive in a lil bit of snow. :rolleyes: :smiley:

The new house pix are great!

I really should take pix of KeithT’s and my new apt and post them too. And I will… someday. I just got a gorgeous fushia for the patio over the weekend. I’ve never had one and I just love how they look. I just hope I can keep it alive for the rest of the season. Indoor plants I’m great with. Outdoor plants I tend to kill. The ones I got when I moved in to this apartment died within a month because they were *covered * with aphids. Of course I didn’t notice that when I bought them. ::sigh:: At least the fushia looks aphid-free.

Sorry about the snotty note from the Big Man, mika. Snotty cow-orkers suck.

Good luck with the complaint CityGirl and welcome to the MMP.

Happy nothing-special day, picu!

It hit 99 here on Saturday and 100 in some places here in MN. But it didn’t feel as bad on Saturday as it did on Sunday when it was in the mid-90s but really really humid. Saturday was dry and there was a breeze so the almost-triple-digit temperature was bearable. The humidity yesterday and today has been awful. It was in the upper-80s with a dew point of 69 when I got to the gym at 6 this morning! :eek:

Hey, CityGirl! Good luck in your quest for justice!

**Spats ** - I’m all for your welcome back to Wycoff, but you do realize that it may take kaiwik awhile to get here, right? You know, from Alaska? :wink: In any case, you’re planning on the Ren Faire thing on 9/9, aren’t you? If only we can convince the rest of the MMP’ers to come along!

Great photo, Rosie! I love your hat!
VBob, I covet your pantry.
Taters, you’ll have to remember not to sit so close to Ellen next time the baby is sick! Hope you’re feeling beeter soon.
I went out to run an errand at lunchtime, and Lissla, you were exactly right – it felt the heat jumped up to try to strangle me. I’m staying in until this breaks (should be Wednesday…)
**Annie ** - a deer in Englewood is strange. If you were up closer to the parkway, maybe not so much, but all the way down there? I guess they needed something from Shop Rite. I’m a Northvale / Westwood Shop Riter myself, so I guess we haven’t run into each other. I got married in Tenafly, though.

I did the laundry at 6 am this morning and was hot and sweaty. Ewww! My next place is going to have a washer/dryer, period. I’ll pay extra, I don’t care.

I went to and it looks like the US is on fire, it’s so hot everywhere. It says it’s only 82F right now, but it lies. It was that hot this morning. And muggy. Blech.

I’ve been pricing housing in Tucson this morning and it finally occured to me to look at buying. Holy smokes, I could afford to buy something! I will have around 20k to put down, which could purchase a [del]mobile[/del] manufactured home outright. This morning, I checked out the pricing on the condos across the street: 449K, for a 2br/2ba in an old, nasty complex. That’s it, I’m leaving, I’m out of here. I’ve decided that my last day at work is going to be September 8.

I picked Tucson because I’m allergic to snow and humidity. Of course, I haven’t visited yet, I might hate it, but I lived in Arizona for a couple of years in junior high and loved the weather and the scenery. I’m getting out of Silicon Valley, one way or another. It’s too expensive and I’m sick of it.

[HomerSimpson] Doh! A deer…! A female deer. [/HomerSimpson] :wink:
Actually, thats very funny, as I had my own ‘wildlife encounter’ in NJ this weekend. On Sunday night, at 8:30pm, it was finally cool enough for me to ride my bike. I dig out my old Fuji road-bike and I chose an easy and fast route around the park near where I live. I was doing well, out running the mosquitoes and making good time in the fading light, when I see something moving on the road in front of me. I brake to a stop about five feet infront of a very hairy butt, quickly disappearing into a storm drain and dragging its ringed tail behind it.

In truth, I’m not sure who would have made road-kill out of whom.

I am hearing this line in the voice of the killer in Silence of the Lambs. Anyone else?

That’s okay, she can fly out here. :smack: I just grabbed whatever names I saw, not realizing Drae was JOKING about visiting kaiwik. Yes, you should all come to the Ren Faire on 9/9. Meeks and I have made arrangements so that I’ll be able to go.

Then I wish we had you there putting in the shelves.

I resemble that remark.

Currently 95, heat index 103. I frickin’ hate summer. Seriously, I need to move to Alaska.

Don’t even get me started on yuck-poo-icky-stinko* hot humid weather

*the news gal on the station I used to listen to (before the major format change) had declared that this was an official designation for this type of weather - on the station I listen to now, the news gal always calls it “underwear-free weather” . . . as if!