The stupid owner’s manual for my car doesn’t bother telling me what the lengths of my windshield wiper blades are, and I can’t seem to find this info anywhere on the internet. Does anybody have access to this top-secret information, so that I can buy some replacement blades?
This online catalog says they are 26" for the drivers side and 17" for the passengers side. Takes about 30 secs to load completely.
ACDELCO Part # 82171 {PERFORMANCE #89000995}
$7.19 $0.00 $7.19
ACDELCO Part # 82261 {PERFORMANCE #89001024}
Actually, the site you linked, as well as the first you get for googling ‘wipe blade sizes’ gives a length of 26" for the driver’s side and 17" for the passenger’s side, which, by the way, is the same as for a 2001 nissan maxima, for a bit of a sanity check.
28" on the driver’s side and 17" on the passenger side.
Any auto parts place that sells wipers has a book with a list of sizes by model. Just head on down.
Yes. Almost every place that sells blades has a catalog that lists them by application (and gives the length), so all you need to know is the type of car.
Were you actually trying to buy them somewhere that required you to know the blade size, rather the car model?
I’m just afraid that, with my luck, the places I go to won’t have that catalog.
If I’m not sure about whether a part will fit, I sometimes ask the counter personnel if I can take it to the car and compare it to the old part. On small stuff, I’ve never had a problem doing this.
They won’t sell many blades if they don’t.
Regardless if you know the size look it up!
Wiper blades come in a bunch of different styles, and there might be 4 different styles of 17" blades. Only one wil fit your car.
As an answer to any Doper coming in with a general auto question: head for your nearest AutoZone. They will come out and measure your wiper blades, test your alternator or battery, help you change out a headlight, and help fix just about anything else that can be fixed in their parking lot.
Am I the only one wondering why the best low-tech solution is not to take a tape measure out to the car?
A tape measure? That is so 1945!!
Measure it. You would have been done already.
Yes. I just bought some replacements at Target, and there was a huge book right in front of me with all makes and models with their associated wiper blade length.
Be aware that measuring in itself is generally not sufficient. As Rick pointed out, wiper blades vary not only in length but also in how they attach to the wiper arm. In other words, this whole quest for knowing the length is getting the cart before the horse - in practice, blades are looked up by application. The listing in the catalog then shows the blades having the correct length AND the correct attachment configuration.