Several days. Best guess is well over a week when I was a child. We had more useful things to do with water than bathe. We were also fairly poor.
Lemme get this straight…they test the dogs in those races for drugs?!?!
I think about a week and a half. Another one of those, had the flu and couldn’t get out of bed things.
Now, out of laziness or business, I think the longest I have gone is 3 days. I shower everyday 99.9% of the time, but there are those occasions.
Originally posted by oldscratch
99% of the time I do.
I can confirm this. He definitely took one this morning.
Me, longest was like 4 days. We had no hot water in our apartment, and cold showers are way out. Ick. Luckily it was winter.
6 months. Body cast.
I did get pulled behind a speedboat on a board after wrapping my plaster in plastic bags (because I couldn’t figure out how to water-ski in that condition) and I attempted to drive my brother’s motorcycle.
Went about a week when we attempted Devil’s Tower (a loong time ago). On of the guys I went with had just come back from India. His comment on my desire for a shower was along the lines of: we got sanitation, they got spirituality.
Americans are more obsessed with scrubbing off the animal stink of our true nature (I’m no different; I take a shower in the morning before going to work & take a bath with my 3 year old almost every night) than most people on this planet. We’ve got a billion dollar industry in soaps, shampoos, and perfumes.
I think we’re trying to sweep something under the carpet.
ps: the plastic bag wrap thing didn’t work. Water got in, and the plaster got all skanky. So revise that 6 months to about a month & a half. & I still took washcloth baths on my exposed parts and the occasional shampoo.
:o :eek:
5 days. Had high fever, and there was no hot water in my building for a week! Tried to take cold bath. That was led to the 5 days.
How interesting. Barring serious disease or injury, it seems to be about 5 days. As an unpleasent extreme. Consider how recently baths even once a month were common.
Yup, I feel kind of nasty if I don’t bath in, say, three days, but that’s pretty recent isn’t it?
One things’s for sure: I needn’t have felt so bad about going for three days.
I still can’t believe it’s necessary to test sled dogs for drugs.
6 weeks. I was a slob when I was a kid.
14 days. I think. thinks Yeah, 14 days or so. I was on a backpacking trip. We did get to place ourselves into a freezing cold lake halfway through, but I just splished some water on the important areas. We also couldn’t bring toothbrushes or deoderant!!
And you know, it wasn’t as bad as I thought it would be!