How many active Dopers are there?

Being the new kid here, I was curious to know how many active Dopers are on this MB. I went to “who’s online”, but don’t have access. Went to “members list”, again don’t have access. Does anyone know? Or is it confidential?

I know of at least one.

At the bottom of the forum list in the “What’s going on?” section it says:

Threads: 636,193, Posts: 15,494,878, Members: 139,574, Active Members: 6,864

This thread suggests that the active criteria is users who have logged in in the last 60 days.


Thank you Shadez. Still unable to find the “What’s going on” section, but I have my answer.

Go here:

go to the bottom of that page

That is the best answer that you are going to get but keep in mind that a huge percentage of those are spammers that have been killed, people who just lurk and people who signed up and left after just reading for a little while. My guess is that around half to a third of that number are non-spammers who made at least one post in the last two months.

Active? Most haven’t moved off the couch in years.

I’m just sitting here, so, not it.

It’s the Sock Puppet Jamboree!

My aging body has slowed down quite a bit in recent years. I used to be out there hiking, riding my bike. I can still walk up the six floors to our condo though.

I’ll have you know that I hiked around the nearest Target for over 4 hours this afternoon.

Next time I’m making a list, instead of relying on my fading memory. I remembered that I needed note cards when I was on the other side of the store, and things like that.

Ok so there’s one.

There are only two Dopers at any one time, a master and an apprentice. Eventually the apprentice rises up and bans the master, but until then, they keep very busy making all of these posts under various names.

I’m typing while jogging in place.

There’s nobody here except us chickens.

There’s just me, three other posters and all my sock accounts.

So back when Marley banned the board, he was really on to you?

All I’ll say is Marley might not be one of the three other posters.

On the SDMB, they actually have the setting that controls this set to 75 days.