How Many of the Best Pictures of the last 25 years have you seen?

20 of 25 for me. By my count, I saw 8 of those in the theaters, and the rest on video. I’ll probably get around to seeing The King’s Speech at some point soon.

The ones I haven’t seen are The Last Emperor, Driving Miss Daisy, The English Patient, Chicago, The Hurt Locker, and The King’s Speech.

All + American Beautiful. I’d also guess I’ve seen 90+% of the nominees in the years in question as well.

Yep, watch a lot of movies.

24 of 25. Just never got around to Schindler’s List.

All of them! Every single one. Huh.

I knew it wouldn’t be a huge number, but it’s just 5 or 25…:confused:

1986-96 solid, then spotty. Most of the most recent winners appeal to me not in the least.

10, five of them in theaters. None from the last seven years. i just don’t seem to have the time or interest to commit to watching a whole movie any more.

23 of 25, which surprised me, as I thought it would be far fewer than that. And of the ones I’ve seen, I’ve seen many multiple times.

The ones I missed were Crash and The Hurt Locker. And I didn’t see Cider House Rules, either.

I assume you meant American Beauty for 1999 (at least you didn’t put Brokeback Mt or Saving Private Ryan in there, otherwise i’d really have to scream at you), so I’m checking it, despite not seeing Cider House.

I TRIED to watch The English Patient but it was so fucking dull. Same with Chicago. Yet I managed to watch all 4 hours of Dancing With Wolves when I was like 10. The only one on the list I hadn’t seen at all was Platoon. So just ALMOST a clean sweep.

The Departed only won best picture because its ONLY competition that year was The Queen, which the academy didn’t vote for because it wasn’t the movie they WANTED it to be. 2006 was a shitty year for films.

There is just one I have not seen: The Last Emperor.

I’ll have to fix that.
Edit: And prior to that, you’d have to go all the way back to 1968’s ‘Oliver!’ to get to one I have not seen.


oops, i forgot to check the first one, so all but two.
Slumdog Millionaire and The Kings Speech I’ve yet to see. Plan to though.

Can’t believe I missed that. Make my count 18.

I have no desire to see Schindler’s List or Driving Miss Daisy.

I haven’t seen Rain Man, The English Patient, Chicago, Million Dollar Baby, or The Cider House Rules, though I’ll get to them eventually, I hope.

I’ve seen all the rest, and American Beauty.

22/25. I haven’t seen Chicago, The Hurt Locker, or The King’s Speech.

24, including American Beauty.

Did not see Crash.

God, I envy you.

The English Patient
Shakespeare in Love
LOTR:Return of the King
Million Dollar Baby
The Hurt Locker

I’ll probably see Million Dollar Baby, eventually, and maybe Shakespeare in Love and LOTR. But, the rest I don’t have a burning desire to see.

Wow, more than I thought…22 of 25. Missing The Last Emperor, Driving Miss Daisy, The Hurt Locker and really not feeling compelled to see any of them. Am I missing anything?

I’ve seen thirteen of them all the way through, and actually liked most of them. I’ve seen bits of pieces of several of several other movies on the list.