How Many of the Best Pictures of the last 25 years have you seen?

Hurt Locker is OK.

The other two are skippable.

Oh. I disagree. I think the Last Emperor is a phenomenal movie. Beautiful cinematography and a story that spans decades and keeps you engaged all the way through.

Miss Daisy is bubble gum. It has some good performances (Interesting to see Dan Ackroyd in a dramatic role) And, it is enjoyable. But, there isn’t much to sink your teeth into. So, I would agree that it is fun, yet skippable. But, I think Last Emperor is worth seeking out.

7, all on cable or home video. I don’t go out to movies much.

I haven’t seen Driving Miss Daisy, Chicago, and The King’s Speech. I’ll probably watch the last on DVD but have no interest in the other two.

I’ve seen 10 of these movies, 5 of which I’ve watched about a hundred times each. The others, not at all.

Only nine including American Beauty. I really should get around to watching the Lord of the Rings trilogy. I’ve only seen bits and pieces.

I’ve seen them all except for Platoon, Unforgiven, Schlindler’s List, and Braveheart.

It’s about the current Queen Elizabeth’s father. He wasn’t ever supposed to be King. His brother Edward was the heir and became King when their father died, but Edward was a dick who thought with his dick, and gave up the throne after less than a year because he was in love with a divorced American woman, a tart who could never be Queen. He abdicated and the two got married.

That left Albert (Liz’s dad) in a lurch because he was woefully unprepared and had a painful stammer to boot. He was smart and responsible, unlike Edward, but he hadn’t been groomed for the throne. It came at a bad time too, in 1936, when Hitler was running roughshod over Europe. Albert (aka “Bertie” aka King George VI, a name chosen after he became King) rose to the challenge and part of it had to do with overcoming his stammer with the help of a cheeky but talented Australian speech therapist. The speech referred to is one King George VI gave to the nation at a time of fear and uncertainty, and helped bring the nation together, resolved to be brave and defiant towards Hitler. Close enough anyway. In the movie it’s all rousing and inspiring. It’s a really good movie. It sounds all stuffy but it’s not. It’s very entertaining too.

Real-life postnote: George VI died in 1952, partially because of the stress of World War II , which is when the current Queen Elizabeth II ascended the throne at the age of 25. It seems like she’s always been old and stodgy, but oh damn, she was beautiful at the time.

Seen all of them but two - Braveheart (not interested, and don’t really like Mel Gibson) and Million Dollar Baby (don’t care for any boxing film).

I’ve seen 22 of them. (And I saw both Cider House Rules and American Beauty so that was a non-issue.) Most of them in the theater, just like the good Lord intended.

The three I’ve never seen are Driving Miss Daisy, Forrest Gump and Slumdog Millionaire. I meant to. Just never did.

Wow. 22 (even with the American Beauty correction; I’ve seen both it and Cider House Rules). I’m rather surprised - I didn’t think it was that many.

I’ve seen about half of The English Patient - I may be mistaken, but I don’t think I’ve seen the whole thing. The other two I missed are Driving Miss Daisy and The Last Emperor.

I’m surprised Equipose; you strike me as quite the film buff and these seem like striking omissions. They’re all exellent films (well, I haven’t seen Platoon but the rest are excellent). Unforgiven, especially, is one of my all-time favorites and one of the best Westerns ever.

I will say that if The Cider House Rules had won B. Picture, I would be ranting about it like a Saving Private Ryan fan would rant about Shakespeare in Love. God I hated that movie!

Not a bad record: 19 out of 25. And of the other 6, I’ve seen some of them, just not the whole thing yet. Except for the latest one; haven’t caught *The King’s Speech *yet.

The 6 I haven’t watched all the way through:
[li]The Last Emperor[/li][li]The English Patient[/li][li]Chicago[/li][li]Slumdog Millionaire – I watched 90% of it, but missed the end for some reason and I never did catch it all.[/li][li]The Hurt Locker[/li][li]The King’s Speech[/li][/ul]

Seven. I’ve only seen LOTR and Braveheart in theaters, the rest were rentals or on cable.


A Beautiful Mind being the last one.

Make it 17, with the *American Beauty *correction. Never saw Cider House Rules, never want to.

  1. And mostly from the earlier end of the chart. I guess I see fewer movies now that I’m an adult.

Good place to cut it off- Amadeus (1984) is the only one I haven’t yet watched* in the top 40-odd. I think the next one back I’ve yet to watch is from 1967 - In the Heat of the Night. Still a good 20-odd movies older than that to get through though.

So, all 25 from your list. ( or 26 including the extra one that didn’t actually win )

  • It’s currently on my Sky+ box; could be on for tonight! :slight_smile:
  1. I haven’t seen Platoon, The Last Emperor, Unforgiven, The English Patient, The Cider House Rules, Chicago, The Departed, Slumdog Millionaire or The King’s Speech.

I’m not too impressed with the list, personally. I mean Gladiator? Really?

6, and I’m surprised it is so high. I am not a movie person.