How many of your former employers are still in business?

Most of the folks that I’ve worked for aren’t around anymore. Am I the employee of death and doom?

Landscape contractor-bankrupt
Photography lab-closed
Auto body shop-bankrupt
Auto repair garage-closed
School photo business-thriving
Hospital-operating (bought/sold 4x)
Paramedical ambulance-bankrupt
Electronics retailer-bankrupt
Electronics wholesaler-closed
Trucking outfit-closed
Banking equipment manufacturer-bankrupt
Self employed-go me! :smiley:

That’s only 4 out of 13. Woof! :eek:

Please say you’ve killed off more employers than I have.

I’ve worked at the same place since I was 18. That makes it about 22 years. Unfortunately, they are still in business.

Sorry, didn’t mean to bring your thread down.

Construction Company I worked as teenager: Still very successful
Wendy’s: Check
University where I worked part time: still good
Large textile company (first “real” job after college): Still in business, barely
Consulting firm: Still in business

That’s about 25 years of working with no casualties so far.


Rustler Steakhouse - Exploded (no kidding)
Consulting Firm - Still going
Medical Billing Firm - Still going
Pizza Hut - Still going
USAID Contractor - Still going
Publishing House - Still going
Publishing House - Still going
Publishing House - Gone
Publishing House - Still going
Publishing House - Gone
Publishing House - Still going
Publishing House - Still going

Hmm. Better than I thought.

Though the explosion was an attention getter, I admit.

Grocery store I: got bought out by a chain and then that location closed
Grocery store II: original store shut down, but has second store still going strong
Convenience store: changed names but still there
Drug store: bought by larger chain and that location shut down
Steel company: still there
Pawn shop: still there
Paper company: still there (unfortunately)

The closest thing I’ve had to employment thus far is two internships, one at a highly successful IP (intellectual property) law firm (and if you saw their list of clients–whew!) and one at a relatively successful Bluetooth hardware company.

The law firm is still doing ridiculously well.

The Bluetooth company, apparently, was bought out a few months ago by a fairly big semiconductor company in Irvine (just found that out for the purposes of this thread by trying to go to the Bluetooth company’s web site). Hrm. What do you know.

Dairy Queen franchise-- no idea if it’s still there, but 25 odd years ago it was going strong.
Domino’s ftanchise - ditto
NFCB - still there
CPB – still there
Federal government – still there
NGA – still there
MATC – still there
Covance – Still there
Current employer – still there as of 5 hours ago.

AFAIK all present and axxounted for.

What I can remember:

  • Of two florists I drove deliveries for, one is still in business.

  • The Hickory Farms franchise I once worked for has long since disappeared.

  • The chemical company for whom I was a reactor operator was bought out by Belgians, and moved to Belgium, about 25 years ago.

  • The taxicab company with whom I worked (I owned my own cab) is still going strong (Roy’s Taxi) in Austin, Texas.

  • Hamburgers by Gourmet was once my home as a relief manager, and they’ve vaporized.

  • The hotel (Alamo) I worked for in college no longer exists.

  • The independent oil company that hired me right out of college went vapor soon after I quit nine years later.

  • I started my own company and kept that going for ten years - it no longer exists.

Heh. Yeah, check my references.

All but one that I can think of. That one was a start up in the middle of the big start-up crash of 2000. It just ran out of money. Oh, and also, it didn’t really have a product. But the rest of them, all are still in business.

I’m self-employed now too (Huzzah!). My employers (in reverse order):

• Advertising/design agency – still going, still lousy payers (I’ll be doing some work for them on Monday)

• Output bureau/printer – company still going, founder sold up to new owners.

• Advertising agency – still operating, still same management.

• County Education Department – still there, of course. I think the department I was in may now be kaput, though.

• Small printer – still going.

• Computer leasing franchise – bust. MD disappeared in a camper van with his wife and £1 million that didn’t, strictly speaking, belong to him.

  1. Restaurant - still there.
  2. Grocery Store - out of business.
  3. University Library - still there (better be!).
  4. Gas station - changed hands, so I guess it’s out of business.

So I’ve got about a 50% rate going here.