How much of a slut are you?

Take the test

I’m 42% slut. Not sure if I should be glad or not. Judging by my friends scores, I should check myself into the convent.


Don’t know if I should be proud or embarassed.


29%. I’m surprised it was that high.

80% !?

Do they have nuns compiling these things, or what?

Considering what I answered yes to, I hate to think what people who scored above my 64% are doing right now.

Peace - DESK

50%, apparently.

I’ve tried to take the test twice now and I crashed my browser both times. I guess I’m off the chart!


49%? Not sure how to take that…




Science is certain, and so are we: you are absolutely 31% Slutty.

My parents would be so proud. :smiley:

59%…but it’s a little hard to judge how to answer the questions, seeing as how I’ve done some pretty bad stuff, but wouldn’t any more, since I’ve been with irishfella for almost 4 years and we’re getting married.


Like irishgirl, I had trouble answering some of the questions because things I may have done back in my wild college days are things I wouldn’t do again (and haven’t done in more than 10 years). Also, I really wanted to say “none of the above” to some questions. Like the one that asked how I’d feel if a relationship that turned sexual ended: would I feel like I’d accomplished something, wasted something, or that never happened. Huh? It’s certainly happened, but those two options don’t come close to my feelings.


Hot damn, do I feel minty fresh.


It’s all a matter of perspective. :slight_smile:


I’m surprised it’s that high.

(except for short-term relationships… and usually it was the woman’s idea. Loose women, on the behalf of shy guys everywhere, I thank you!)

Wow Lavender! I’m a lazy, solitary prude and I’m still a bit of a whore with 31%. :eek:

I am, apparently, 58% slutty. Also, I appear to be more slutty than some of my fellow graduates. I find that very difficult to believe. Perhaps there’s some mistake?