I knew that mathematics is not for me since '91 and by '96 I got sick of it. But being under certain expectations I have stayed in mathematics. By 2006, I was ready to quit, but my therapist promised me great riches if I finish my PhD. I finished a PhD in '08 and have been an unpaid intern two years. Now I earn a whole $700/month.
They still say a good position may be forthcoming. But I feel disgust for my job, which affects my performance.
I have a great interest in social issues, and I want to write articles even for free.
Did your therapist wear flowing robes and gaze into a crystal ball?
Most people work because they have to eat and the bills must be paid. It sounds like you don’t need the income.
I’d say do whatever you please.
Your “blessing” sounds like it belongs in the same category as Santa Claus, the Easter Bunny, and leprechauns and rainbows and pots of gold.
(Yes, I’m a somewhat cynical person–but HONESTLY, if people didn’t have to support themselves and could do what they wanted, within reason, wouldn’t the world be a happier place?)
I just find it rather surprising that someone with a PhD in Mathamatics cannot find a job. For instance, isn’t there a shortage of qualfied Math teachers in the USA? I know first-hand that teachers get paid crap, but it has to be better than 700 bucks a month.
I know you also said you don’t like Math now (perhaps a tad late in your educational process to notice this?), but certainly there is some aspect of Math that could be challenging and get your interest.
However, at 38 and still living off mom and dad, and working as basically an underpaid intern? I think there might be some other issues at play.
I don’t know how to break this to you, but you are even giving slacker nerds a bad name.
I am sensing a whole lot of issues here. Most of them are outside of the scope of this board.
Sometimes the best idea is just to ignore everything that led up to this. Let’s start from the beginning. What would you like to do realistically speaking? What could you do today to start making that happen?