Need information for a study, thanks.
Twice a year.
About once every other day and I’m not fat at all .
Currently, about once every week and a half and that’s only if pizza counts.
Typically, about twice a week, probably.
About once a month I get a craving for fast food. Usually when I have a hangover.
Usually once a week, if I’m not broke.
Once a week, either pizza or a burger.
Three times a week if pizza counts; once in three weeks if it doesn’t.
The cafeteria at school sucks and the only place to buy food nearby is a pizza joint >.<
I average about once a week.
Seventeen times a day.
No, really, I’m serious. I just want to make sure your Internet poll gets the most accurate information possible.
Seventeen. Times. A. Day.
uh, In the last 5 years, I can count the number of times on one hand.
Maybe twice a month.
Once or twice a month.
Once a month.
Once a week and it’s usually a salad of some kind. Kind of defeats the purpose.
More often than I used to.
When I had a better job, I could go to restaurants. I had an hour for lunch, and could enjoy a good meal. Now I only have half an hour. Sometimes I’ll make a sandwich or take leftovers in, but sometimes I’m ‘on the road’ and have no choice but to drive through McDonalds, Jack-in-the-Box or Wendy’s. On paydays I’ll go to Fred Meyer (which houses a branch of my bank) and grab a panini sandwich and a side from the service deli. But now it seems like I’m eating fast food at least once a week.
Now? Rarely. Maybe once a month at Subway. Before? Two or three times a week at the various chains.
I watched Supersize Me last night and I never. want. fast. food. again.
Probably around twice a week on average.
I guess four times a month.
Depends on what is considered fast food. The only fast food restaurant in the town that I work in is a Taco-Bell. I will go there in desperation, when I’m in a hurry.
We also have a Mi-Zuppa that I go to about once a week for lunch. Fresh soup and sandwich, or a wrap. The place is heaven.
We never have fast food for dinner or breakfast. We couldn’t even if we wanted to.
Once or twice a month. Normaly Friday nights when I have a four hour dance class and we really don’t have anything to make at home.