How often do you masturbate?

Oh. Yeah. :o Sorry. But I think the kitten killing goes whether or not there’s a pussy involved.

I had to click, of course. But I was half-expecting some terrible new goatse ripoff (heh).

Exhibit A: Post 25.

Yes! Definatly. And I’ve never understood it either. But thank god that weird surge of hormones comes at the wrong time or I’d have 20 children by now :wink: .

Ah. Yes, I can see where you might think that. Wariness is often wise.

You hit on me in that picture thread, but you’re gay? What? Are you trying to confuse me?

Anyway, I wish masturbating would make me go to sleep. However, I’m on a ridiculously high dose of anti-depressants, so I don’t orgasm easily (or at all), and I masturbate less than once a month. I’ve been taking Ambien for my insomnia lately, but that’s a whole different topic.

Female, almost 20, straight, single, clinically depressed.

Who needs antidepressants when you’ve got a vagina and fingers?

Happily partnered for 3 years

I would have to say about 7-10 times per week. Since we have 5 people living in this house, it’s a miracle that I get to do it at all…

Eh, I’m bisexual, actually. But I refer to myself as queer because of all the negative contiguity associated with the former term. It’s lost all meaning-- most teenagers say they are bi now days 'cause it’s deemed as “cool.” To me, the word bisexual invokes images of that gross girl at parties who makes out with her friends to turn guys on. I identify myself as queer, since it’s basically the safe, covers all areas, word.

Also, this thread has just acquired a slight ick factor, now that I’ve realised I can put faces to a few of your names. My mind is painting dirty pictures.

I masturbated a lot more before I became depressed.

Long-term girlfriend

I’d say twice a day, on average. I am a technical consultant, and business has been a little slow recently; I got time on my hands, among other things. On days that I don’t have work to do (and gf is at her job), I might give it a go maybe 4 - 6 times.

Male, 26, straight. Roughly 1,000 times a year or about 2-3 times a day.

Female, 22, straight, single.
Once or twice a day.

Male, 46, married, straight. Once or twice a week (too short on privacy for more).

Male, 28, single, heteroflexible. Three times yesterday, but usually about once a day. As this day has been going for over thirteen hours, I’m behind schedule.

Male, 39, straight, married 8 years.

Some weeks, 2-3x/day; other weeks, 1x/week. I guess on average, 5-7x/week.
Not including actual conjugal bliss.

OK, I know I have a propensity for killing threads- why that is, I really don’t know, but it happens nonetheless…

I just can’t believe I managed to kill this one. A thread about masturbation? I figured it would go on for days. It’s been eight hours without another post!!!

I’m developing a complex…

McNew, every time you masturbate, Og kills a thread.


About twice a week. I’d like to do it way more but I’ve got this hair brained idea if I beat-off too much it will lower agressiveness with the ladies.

I know I wouldn’t, but then again I’m male. :wink:

Oh, and as for me:

hetero so far
5-7 times a week

  1. You mean hare-brained, as in “like a rabbit (hare) thought of it”.

  2. Lower aggressiveness with the ladies? Is this a bad thing? You want to be more aggressive with women?

How many times have you been to jail?