How often do you masturbate?

Not sure, moot point right now

Never, it’s against my religion. Back in the day, I “defied God” quite frequently.

I just assumed guys worked it out every time they showered. It’s already all soaped up, why not let er fly? I’m still unconvinced that this isn’t true.

Maybe I’m using a poor choice of words.

What I mean is instead of being timid and shy around women I’d like to be more out going and more willing to approach women in general.,

I guess assertive would be a more appropiate word.

As far as the jail thing? Only once, but that bitch had it comming.

No, he meant hair-brained, as in "like hair will grow from my palms if I keep jacking it.

I borrowed this from

Top 15 Star Wars Euphemisms For Masturbation

  1. Shooting Womprats in Beggar’s Canyon

  2. Grooming the Wookie

  3. Making the Kessel Run

  4. Polishing Vader’s Helmet

  5. Evacuating Tatooine

  6. Unsheathing the Meatsaber

  7. Releasing the Special Edition

  8. Jumping to Delight Speed

  9. Communicating with Red Leader One

  10. Lightsaber Practice with Captain Solo

  11. Tinkering With the R2 Unit

  12. Manually Targeting the Rebel Base

  13. Performing the Jedi Hand Trick

  14. Scratching Yoda Behind the Ears

and the Number 1 “Star Wars” Euphemism for Masturbation…

  1. Test Firing the Death Star

Ick! No, no, no! Soap does a NASTY number on the male private parts if rubbed in vigorously. Dries them up and then you get cracks and bleeding. Everything in the bathroom except for hand lotion (and lube if it’s that kind of bathroom)–soap, shampoo, conditioner, toothpaste, etc.–is awful for penises.

My son seems to like shaving cream. (EEEEEWWWW! I DID NOT NEED TO KNOW THAT!!!) At least, I stopped shaving my legs about a year ago, but I’m still replacing the shaving cream.

But…but you *do * wash them, right??? :eek:

Of course. But you don’t rub off with the soap on them, because then you rub the soap into the thing and dry it out. Bad news, trust me.

If your son is old enough to masturbate, I can think of some other reasons he’d use shaving cream, too. If he doesn’t shave his face, he might be shaving something else.

No, he doesn’t shave yet, although he’s starting to get a little peach fuzz. He’s 13. He’s been masturbating for years, I expect. Fetuses masturbate, fetus! (At least, they get erections and touch themselves in utero.)

Embarrassing story alert: When he was about 3 he announced in a loud, piping shrill 3 year old voice in the middle of the grocery store, “Mommy, sometimes my penis gets really big when I touch it!”


Male, 20, single.

I go probably 4-7 times a week. Every once in a while I’ll do it twice a day.


That’s new to me. I had no desire to try it out until 10 or so, and didn’t figure out how it actually worked until 11.

Newp. Not nearly luby enough, and besides that, I’m standing up.

It depends on how much sex I’m having. If we’ve been doing it every day I don’t feel like doing it as much. If it’s been a few days and I’m home alone and bored, I will take matters into my own hands. Soooo, that would be maybe 10x a month.

Female, 23, currently unattatched. I’d estimate between 15 and 20 times a week, which doesn’t seem to change much when I’m in a relatonship.

Committed relationship.

At least once daily.

Committed relationship.

At least once daily.

I hear ya. I’m uncut, so the lube thing isn’t a factor, but I just don’t like doing it standing up. I always feel … rushed (like trying to finish before the hot water runs out.)

30 next week

Twice a day (morning and evening) + sometimes at work in the Disabled closet.

I used neosporin a few times and that wasn’t bad. But aside from that, yeah most bathroom supplies are no good for this.