if its shorter then your ring finger you’re probably a lesbian
Umm, I think you better refer people to the “giving homosexuality the finger” thread over in GD. Or they’ll think you’re a troll.
. . . Unless you ARE a troll?
I just read this article in the paper about index fingers and lesbians …not making it up…its in the Toronto Sun
You can find it on abcnews.com also(sorry no time to link)
Saw the same article. According to the story, hetero men have shorter index fingers than ring fingers. Hetero women have index and ring fingers of the same length. Lesbian women fingers mimic hetero men finger lengths and gay men fingers are exaggerations of hetero men. Supposedly, this indicates (along with other biological stats) a biological basis for sexual orientation.
Aw, for Pete’s sake, doesn’t ANYone look at Great Debates?
What did I tell you, about Urban Folklore in the making? And we were there… :rolleyes:
Okay, on my right hand, my ring finger is shorter than my index finger. But, on my left hand, my ring finger is longer than my index finger. So what does that make me, bisexual?
I think the study is a crock.
“The dead have risen, and they’re voting Republican!” - Bart Simpson
Both of my ring fingers are significantly shorter than my index fingers.
Boy, will my fiancé be surprised.
I would’ve gotten away with it, too, if it weren’t for those meddling kids!
which finger is your index finger??
My index finger is just long enough to reach the important part, but it doesn’t matter because I use my middle finger for that anyway.
“Mrs. Krabappel, are you trying to seduce me?”