Inspired by this thread about female guitarists, in which Rider suggests that women have longer index fingers, in proportion to their middle fingers, than do men.
Can anyone provide evidence for or against?
Inspired by this thread about female guitarists, in which Rider suggests that women have longer index fingers, in proportion to their middle fingers, than do men.
Can anyone provide evidence for or against?
Well, as I said in that thread, I’m an exception. I’m female and my index fingers are shorter than my ring fingers. Apparently that’s supposed to mean I’m a lesbian too, which I’m not.
My index and ring fingers are the same length. Guess I’m a mutant.
My index finger is slightly shorter than my ring finger. I am a lesbian :). There was some discussion of this at one of the LOndopes - I’d never seen the Seinfeld show where it was discussed (he broke up with someone because she had “manhands”), so I had no idea what they were talking about at first. You may find something with a search (other than the weirdest break ups thread ;)), but I wouldn’t swear to it.
I started a survey on this a few months ago. Unfortunately, I can’t find it now via search.
I found it. Boys and girls, look at your fingers (a poll)
Rather than have this thread turn into another poll, let’s see if we can find any published scientific work that address the question.
moderator GQ
Digit ratio: A Pointer to Fertility, Behavior and Health (review)
Interview on Finger Length Research
Finger Length Ratios and Sexual Orientation (pdf)
As if orientation wasn’t enough to worry about:
Well, no, the “Seinfeld” episode in question doesn’t deal with the lengths of index/ring fingers. The woman Jerry’s dating doesn’t have man-hands because her index finger is longer than her ring finger, but rather because her hands are so goddamned large and…well, masculine looking, that it’s frightening. And yet another example of Jerry’s impossibly high standards.
Thanks, I believe my question is answered.
Wait, no it isn’t. I was born to two abstract artists, and all of my fingers are longer than my other fingers. What am I? Please help.
/me waits for everyone to stop rolling their eyes
WAG: Incomprehensible?