How should Negan be executed?

At first, I thought Maggie shooting him.
Then I thought Maggie shooting him a little bit at a time while he is in a cage. Left hand, right hand, feet, elbows, knees. To amputate to prevent gangrene or not?

At length, my favorite is sharpening the handle of the baseball bat, screwing Lucille to a post, and impaling Negan a la Vlad the Impaler twenty feet in the air with Lucille in his rectum. Give him foot support or some way to stay alive for a while as Lucille eats into his guts. People good laugh at him and sing, “You picked a fine time to leave me, Lucille”, or the song could be blasted to him as “Easy Street” was to Daryl.

What is your favored method?

Well, comic book fans already know…

They DON’T kill Negan. They lock him up and keep him isolated forever.

Personally, I’d kill him fast and get it over with… if I hadn’t lost interest in the show completely shortly after Negan entered the scene.

I haven’t gotten to see it yet, but man, Crazy Ex-Girlfriend’s third season gets DARK.

Make him live in servitude to the garbage queen, bowl cut girl, I forget her name. Oh, I guess that’s not execution though, but worse, maybe?

Who is Crazy Ex-Girlfriend?

Have Izzie cut his LVAD “wire”.

Have a big blond guy beat him up and throw him out a 30-story window.

I like that, Eugene could give him one of those suicide pills, easy peasey, done deal!

A scaphismscene would raise the bar, even for TWD. Well I guess it would need to be a handful of scenes over time. So gross I feel like I should two-click the link.:eek:

I don’t care, but I want it over as soon as possible. I love Jeffrey Dean Morgan, but Negan has been a misfire of a character for me. There is no way one of his own people wouldn’t have killed him. He’s so annoying and arrogant. He’s a huge douchebag.

I think Rick should have him at the point of death. Maggie walks in and just shoots him and walks out. No joy in revenge or justice, just has to be done.

Nah, too easy. He should be tortured, but that will only cause the fan-girls to go crazy, and want redemption for him. I dont think he can be redeemed in the story arc. Rick-tator needs to finish him somehow. Or maybe Carol can blow him to smithereens with the bazooka thing-y?

You nailed it!

Negan should become a doctor, marry Maggie, and then the pair should be gunned down in front of their 10 year old son, Bruce. That would be good television. (At least that could be shown on television.)

Negan needs to get a spin-off show. Oh, oh,they send him to the seaside ladies, and use him just to impregnate many women so they can repopulate the world

Don’t they still have zombies in that show? Why don’t they just give him to the zombies?

Or are they afraid that he’ll organize them and lead them in a new world order?

I would not be surprised.

Instead of “brains…brains…”
It would be “Lucille…Lucille…”