I’m looking for the cheapest possible way to get a synthetic human forearm.
It has to be the same size and shape.
It needs to include the forearm and wrist, but not necessarily the hand.
It should be tough enough that it can’t be easily ripped apart by someone tugging on/twisting it.
Ideally, it should be roughly the same texture/hardness. That is, it shouldn’t be hard plastic like a mannequin, but it doesn’t need to be so lifelike that it fools anyone. That being said, I would also be interested in mannequin forearms if they could be acquired cheaply.
It’s a little gross, but your local adult store probably has just what you’re looking for. The hand part will be in a fist. I don’t wanna go into this any more–but I did run across such a thing while shopping for something else entirely. I was…bemused.
Seems like an awfully long way to go to teach someone to always leave a note.
Anyway, dropping “prosthetic limb” into Google brings up plenty of paid advertisers (e.g., reallifeprosthetics.com, armdynamics.com). I’m sure if you start looking through those sites you’ll find other search terms to lead you towards an inexpensive route.
Of course there’s always Ebay, though you may want to search a bit for a better match.
Even though the chance of me having a good answer to the OP with the added information is next to zero, I will ask. Why do you need this synthetic forearm?
You could build your own with simpler items perhaps; start with a 1 or 2 inch dowel about 18" long, then get some foam rubber (the tube type that slide over pipes to insulate them) and/or rags and a few tensor bandages. Put the sleeve foam over the wood and the extra bits of foam or rags where the muscles/bumps usually are. Start wrapping the bandages around all the padding to keep it in place; the tighter you wrap the harder the “arm” will feel. To finish wrap a layer of duct tape around it to keep it from coming unraveled… spray paint it pink or brown if you want.