How to call up Screen Saver Settings

Windows 7 64 bit.

There was a recent thread asking how to initiate the screen saver from a desktop shortcut. This question is different. I want to set the time-out interval for Windows to automatically start screen saver.

I use screen saver with the log-in requirement at work. I like to adjust the time-out interval to something comfortable, depending on the tasks at hand (lots of computer, or other desk tasks) then at the end of the day switch back to the shortest interval before I leave my desk.

Sequence is:
Right-click desktop
Select ‘personalize’
Select ‘screen saver’
(Screen Saver Settings box appears)
Adjust time
Apply, close

Not a world of effort, I admit, but I’d like to combine the first three clicks. What command will call up the Screen Saver Settings box? I’ll make that a desktop shortcut.

OK, one bump. A hundred fifty people have seen this, I can’t believe no one knows the answer. Maybe I phrased it poorly. The question is:

What command (or command line) calls up the Screen Saver Settings dialog box?


The command you want is:

rundll32.exe shell32.dll,Control_RunDLL desk.cpl,,1

You use it by making a new shortcut on the desktop and using that line as the location. In the next step you can name it anything you want.

Other options:

  1. It would probably be more efficient to make two registry entries, one for a short timeout and one for a long timeout:

You can just double click on each one to change the timing and skip all the other steps.

  1. Keep the timeout whatever you want. At the end of the day, just push Windows-L to lock the screen into password mode (or jsut sign out completely or put the computer to sleep).

Thanks, Reply, that looks like just what I need! I’ll try those options out tomorrow.