End of the season, and our patio cushions are pretty grubby (lot of dust this year). Any suggestions for a good cleaning product? Water by itself doesn’t seem to do the trick.
Assuming these are cushions meant for outdoor use and not retired indoor cushions: pressure washer. You can probably rent one for pretty cheap, or a basic model is not too expensive. You can use water or soap intended for a pressure washer. Use a low intensity nozzle obviously.
How would I clean @Patty_O_Furniture? With soap & water in the shower, like any other (long lost) Doper.
Maybe there are laundering instruction tags on the cushions?
Can you unzip the cushions and take out the stuffing? If so, you can toss them in the washer (I’d use a front loader).
Beyond that, use fire and plenty of it.
I’ve taken them to a car wash. Worked like a charm.
I wouldn’t use the wax setting.
Do you mean one of those hand-held washers?
Say, we used to have a poster by the name of Patty O’Furniture. I wonder if s/he’s still here?