How To Make Yourself Sound Like the Inhuman Bosbfdsfd

**Shodan **takes pot shots. **bosbkjbfkjbksjbfyîoyh **takes potty shots.

This is what happens in our decaying, atomized culture. Imbeciles replace the things that matter in life, like raising a family, with politics. This problem is intrinsic to all democratic systems. If we had a king, this sort of thing wouldn’t happen.

Exactly. In the words of Sideshow Bob:

I think this illustrates the reason why some conservatives last here and some disappear after a couple of weeks.

A conservative like Shodan can participate in a debate. Many people here may disagree with his opinions and conclusions but he’s engaged in the conversation. He’s presenting a point of view, offering evidence in support of his claims, and reacting to what other people are saying. Regardless of your feelings about his politics, you have to admire his ability to stick around and present a viewpoint that’s at odds with the predominantly liberal nature of this board.

But some conservatives can’t do that. All they can do is shout out slogans. Take them off script and they have no idea how to respond. The only group they can feel comfortable in is one where everyone agrees with them. So when they show up in a board like this one and have their posts questioned, they can’t handle it.

Anything bad from democracy seems like a picnic when compared to the bad that comes from monarchy or dictatorship.

“Nihilists! Fuck me. I mean, say what you want about the tenets of National Socialism, Dude, at least it’s an ethos.”

Would it be churlish to suggest that your last paragraph explains why the board is “predominantly liberal”?

Mind you, we’ve had a few real left-wing nutters too and most of them haven’t lasted long either.

It always annoys me when people spout out things like “liberal loonies”. Do you not realize that some of the people you know and even like in real life might be liberals?

I have been to two events wherein as soon as we walked in the door some boor was loudly going on and on about ‘LIBRULS’ and their ways. Both of the times these were the fucking hosts of the event! Manners, people! You have no idea who is walking through that door!

Worse yet, it’s one even accurate, it’s just spewing. One of them was going on and on about how liberal loons never ever own guns and we’re all gun grabbers. I’m a liberal, and I own guns, and want to own more, chucklehead!

The party of small government wants to bow down to a king? A white male, probably? I ain’t bowing to nobody.

Considering that the poster Construct is pretty much an open white supremacist, this is a safe guess.

Or a Fuehrer.

Hey, somebody had to say it, right?

It’s an unfair comparison. A liberal whose views are just as extreme as his conservative counterpart’s wouldn’t face the same level of opposition on this board. So an extreme liberal who can’t handle people questioning his beliefs might last a long time here because he’s not going to be questioned all that much. It’s not that extreme liberals have thicker skins; it’s just that they get poked with shorter needles.

For example?

Only because your imaginary king happens to agree with you on every issue. (Admit it, your imaginary king is you.) In the real world, you’d be dealing with a king who might have different views than you have and you’d be just as frustrated with monarchic rule as you are with democracy.

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An example of what? The harassment of liberals which I’m arguing doesn’t exist on this board? Surprisingly I can’t offer an example of it.

I mean I’d like to be Queen of the World sometimes, too. And I get the white supremacy angle. What I don’t get is wanting one guy after another to be Supreme King of all Time. Say it was Obama or somebody like him! Imagine the freakout then! Nope, we apparently want to go back to King George and all that happy crap.

I have a slight problem with your theory.

I have a conservative coworker that I spar with for fun, and I tell him “I’m your worst nightmare - a liberal with guns!”

Since the guest of honor is no longer on the premises, I’m going to close this.