How to safely scrape/sand lead paint?

The paint on our exterior trim is badly peeling. My husband tested it with a kit from the hardware store and it contains lead. Is there a safe way to scrape/sand the peeling paint? Or a way to paint over it without sanding or scraping?


How old? How thick of a paint film?
IANA EPA consultant. This is what I would do faced with the same job.
I would use a heat gun and scraper. Wear a chemical absorbant face mask.
Bag & label scrapings.

Yeah. You want to keep the scrapings as best you can and dispose of them properly. The danger from lead paint to adults isn’t very serious for a one-time exposure. It’s long term exposure that gets adults. Painters used lead based paints for years before they developedpainter’s colic. I think the heat gun and scraper is a good idea because it cuts down on dust and small chips. Since it’s outside do it when there is a breeze so that fumes are dissipated. Wear a mask and avoid the fumes. Lead poisoning is a cumulative problem and a single exposure to lead isn’t too serious. If you are really worried, hire a painter and tell him or her that it’s lead based paint. They should know how to handle it.

Don’t use a high-temperature heat gun (above 1000 degree F)! This will evaporate the lead, and send it right into your lungs. And get a very good face mask in any case.

It’s true that minor exposure isn’t a huge problem for adults. But if you have children (or will soon), you might want to consider getting a professional to abate your home. Even small amounts of lead dust around can affect children’s mental development.

If you do decide to remove the paint yourself, get information about remodeling here:

This has probably already occurred to you, but just in case it hasn’t, if they used lead paint on the exterior trim, you should test all the rest of the paint in the house, too…