How would James Bond react to meeting Fred Phelps?

I’m writing a fan fic story that has a scene where James Bond meets a homophobic Kansas preacher whose charachter I’m basing on Fred Phelps (I assume everyone knows who he is), and I’m not sure just what Bond would feel. Would he feel amused, angry, sad?

Ummm …

I’m guessing that James Bond wouldn’t feel anything at all.

Bond has been saving the world, getting laid by supermodels, and noshing on caviar and expensive wine for 40 years now. He’s quite comfortable in his sexuality, and the opinions of a screwed-up preacher would mean less than nothing to him.

I think major indifference, too, unless Mr Phelps was attempting to take over the world

Maybe they’d, uh, bond somewhat. 007 has had a facefull of evil lesbians.

I’d like to think that James Bond would lure Phelps into a helicopter and then dump him into a large smoke stack.


I think Bond would be amused.

I think Bond would take his new male secretary, Seymour Dix, to the meeting. Later it would be revealed that Phelps is also the supervillain “PINK FINGER”. In the end, Bond drops him in a volcano where he’s tortured through eternity by Jim J. Bullock and Liza Minnelli.

One would hope Phelps would say something stupid, get in the way, be in the wrong place at the wrong time, or be working for the villian, and Bond would simply shoot him.

It is, after all, what Bond does.
