How would you celebrate your thirtieth birthday? (erm, if you were me)

As well as being Darwin’s birthday tomorrow, it’s my thirtieth. I just wondered if anybody had any ideas for how I should celebrate it. Given that…

  1. I have to go to church
  2. I have, like, two friends. And one of them has already discharged her duty by hanging out with me today.
  3. I have no money.
  4. I could use a laugh.
  5. The church will probably sing happy birthday at me during the service and/or bring out a cake afterwards.
  6. Some other friends, for some reason, went out to celebrate their birthdays this week without me. There could be a good reason for this. I don’t know what it is but that doesn’t mean it isn’t there.

Please throw any of the above into the mix and gimme some ideas. :slight_smile:

No clue. I celebrated my 30th birthday by going to class. When I left class, I went home and found two or three messages on my answering machine–from family members who knew perfectly well I had class from 4 pm to 10 pm that day. I also complained about feeling old, and felt generally blue for reasons I’m not going to expand on here.

I did have a nice dinner out with family when the weekend came.

I’m probably going to have to work on mine (unless I ask for it off)…next month. Thirty? Me? NEXT MONTH? No way. Uh-uh. Too weird.

Is there some popular local “thing” that you’ve never done? On my 30th birthday I went to Graceland, which I had somehow never visited, even after several years in Memphis. I’m glad I did; I’ll always remember what I did that day.

I like Jackalope’s idea—something you’ve never done before.
I always find people watching to be funny. That’s always a free show when one has no money. Watching the Sunday daddies with their kids can be amusing/tragic. An emotional meltdown is high drama and some kids should be up for Golden Globes.