Howard Stern Appreciation Thread

Yessiree! One down - one to go - thanks to Santos L Halper!

Zeeerooo… point… zeeerro.

What the story behind the Tim Sabean soundbyte, “they were created by man, we can solve 'em by man”?

This was Tim discussing the problem of Bubba the Love Sponge’s contract negotiations. Nothing more to it really, just that the gang thought it sounded like Tim was trying to be profound.

Some guy called into the the Wrap-up Show about three weeks ago asking Gary if he noticed that Howard repeatedly uses the phrase “the fact of the matter is” throughout the show. Gary said he wasn’t aware of it and asked all the others in the room if they had noticed Howard doing that and they all said no. When I heard this guy call in I was saying to myself “right on” because this is something that’s been like finger nails on a chalkboard everytime Howard says it and I’ve been hearing it for quite awhile now.

Anybody else ???

Seriously, who the fuck does he think he is? What a completely delusional asshole! Howard needs to completely cut Eric off for 6 months, let him see what happens when he’s off the show. Of course, then we wouldn’t have calls like this one :wink:



Man, Fred is some kind of deranged genius. I often chuckle along with the show, but the times that I actually laugh out loud, it is almost certain to be some perfectly timed soundbite that has caught me off guard.

Dunno if anyone else saw this, but Artie and Baba Booey are on their trip to visit the troops in Afghanistan and had to spend some time in a bunker when the camp they were at came under mortar attack: