How's the New Straight Dope Tshirt sell..........

What? There IS no new SD tshirt?

Well, why not? I was gonna buy one until I looked at it. But I’m pretty sure anything that ugly would make my skin ache if I wore it. (Of course, it would look better with me in it.) :stuck_out_tongue:

Really, I don’t want to trod on anyone’s toes – I understand someone put a lot of thought into that design and did a damn fine job!, and incorporated all kinds of cool stuff into the design, but isn’t it time to offer other options? Shouldn’t there be a new tshirt every year or so?

I know there are countless talented artists among the membership here. Can’t someone create a new design that’s more cool, or colorful, (or at least one that looks more like Cecil)?

At only $10, they probably don’t recover the cost now, so I doubt there’s an incentive for a new one.

They need something with more margin, and a chance for repeat sales, like a calendar.

Did you know The Norm cartoon site gives a bonus of pencils used to draw the strip, and the stuff that comes from their wastebaskets? How’s that for salsemanship?
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I have to agree that, no matter how well Slug Signorino’s drawings complement Ed’s…er, Cecil’s columns, I have absolutely NO desire to wear his artwork.

I’d hope they could come up with something better, because I’d really like to wear a SD T-shirt. I wouldn’t mind paying $15 for it, so they can make some money off it.

Thanks guys–glad I’m not the only one who feels this way…

The Norm trash is a very innovative idea. The calendar is a good idea too, but I really wanted something to wear.

And yes, if it looked good, $15 wouldn’t be too much. I can’t help but think that sales of the current design must be slow, and why hasn’t anyone created an alternate design?

I hope they’ll someday do one with some really cool tie-dyed effects along with a new design. Altho’ a light image on a dark shirt always looks good too. I’m optimistic–I’m gonna start saving my $15.

Do you have a design in mind?

Some of the recent Slug drawings are quite confusing without the text, and that makes them good for an insider’s joke.

Like this one ** **