How's your hair today?

Me? I’m having a near-bad hair day. It’s almost to the point of needing a cut, but it’s not long enough to do anything hip or trendy with. Plus it’s windy out, so I’ve constantly got this Jared Leto - hair all over the place thing going on.

Mine is doing well, I think. Truth is I woke up a few hours ago and am still in my PJ’s. Bedhead suits me fine though.

Black. Including what I left in the shower this morning.

Actually, I just shaved my head last night so my hair is gone.:smiley:

My hair has looked crappy for about a month now. My husband wants me to grow it out, so I am. Even tho it’s fine and stringy. Even tho it just hangs limply. Even tho it gets tangled in the slightest breeze… I’m doing it for him. I’ve got two barrettes holding it out of my face, and the rest is just hanging in tattered layers. I was trying to decide what the right length for a blunt cut would be.

But I’m a heartbeat away from hacking it all off. I don’t think long hair looks good on me. The only acceptable thing about it is being able to pull it into a ponytail - that can be refreshing when it’s hot. I look at all the pictures of me in various hair lengths, and I think the short layered cuts are best.

As for today, my hair looks terrible. ick. Thanks for asking.


Wavy. Frizzy. Curly in spots. Straight as a board in others.
Still slightly damp where the pony-tail starts.

I, too, have an SO who thinks long hair is the best. So I’m trying to grow it out, hoping length will somehow tame the afro that lurks in my hairdo. Right now it’s to the bottom of my neck, not quite shoulder-length. About a year ago, I cut eight and a half inches off it and straightened it. Worst mistake I ever made. Skerri’s Hair Advice of the Day: Never do more than one major thing to your hair at a time. It’s taken me a whole year to grow it from chin-length back to at least shoulder length, and the straightener completely fizzled in spots, like a bad perm. :mad:

Saturday, Sunday and Monday, were great hair days. Yesterday, thick and difficult to tame. I knotted it up and just trying to keep the flyaways out of my face. I look kinda like this ;j without the hat.

(Please don’t be offended I forgot the name of the hat. I’ll ask my jewish friend next time I see him and promise never to forget again.) :o

My hair is pulled back and pulled up into a kind of sorta bun today. It’s fading and I need to brighten the red, so I don’t wear it down when the color looks like crap. I usually get a headache when I wear it like this because I have long hair and it gets heavy on my neck. It’s about six inches past my shoulders. I have great hair, but today I look like a freakin librarian.

Gettin’ long. Thanks for the reminder to see Dominick the Mobster Barber before I leave for ChiDope.

So, how you doin’, igotit?

God, I love the librarian look!

Long and pulled back into a ponytail, which the high winds rip it out of every time I go outside. I have to re-ponytail several times a day now. Gack. Not cuttin’ it, though. Hell, it’s been five years; why stop now?

Needs a trim. I’ve got curly hair, and one lock of it is doing this funky off-to-the-side thing today…don’t know why. I’ve been trying to get it to lie flat all morning.

Sorely in need of a haircut - I have an appointment Thursday. A barber once told me that I had hair like a black lab - it is so thick that it pretty much sheds water. For the past couple of years I’ve had hair more like a salt and pepper lab - still shedding water, still thick, only not quite so black.

I had my waist length hair trimmed last week, and I must say, I looked fabulous. This morning, however, the bangs (or wings really, if you remember back when that was en vouge) are all crunked and going in all which ways. In essence, it looks like I slept with puppies piled on my head.

It’s um, gone.


crunchy …

babyfine hair that I finally cut short the day after my 40th birthday … there is no recovery for short hair bed head without using water … late for work … not enough time to fully blowdry … held wet hair in place with water and hair spray … crunchy

It’s all right today. I just brushed it with my fingers, so the waves are more ruly. I’m getting it cut tonight though. I still haven’t decided how short it should be.

I’m having a bad face day, actually. I’m normally better-looking than this, I swear. And I can’t tell if it’s a self-esteem thing or if something really and truly has happened to my face.

My hair is not too bad now, but this morning it was awful and it has been for about 6 months, but this morning I got tired of dealing with it. It was long, stringy, straight on top and a leftover perm on the bottom, just awful. I went to the hairdresser and demanded that she gave me a haircut immediatly, She did :smiley: .

Not so good. In dire need of a haircut, but since I have $3 to live on until I get paid Tuesday, there will be no haircut. I’m gonna have to get creative here…maybe barettes…