HRC as British Slang?

A letter to the editor in a paper made reference to Hillary Rodham Clinton’s initials being “HRC,” and so would be funny to Brits.

A trip to Urban Dictionary only yields Human Rights Campaign and a secondary meaning as hardcore, though capitalized differently. Nothing too rib-tickling there.

While I can think of some nasty words to fit into the initials I’m not aware of any of those phrases being common slang. Maybe I’m just ignorant, though.

So what was the letter writer referring to?

Nope, nothing at all.

Creative googling turns up a lot of variants on ‘her royal c------’, mostly from Freepers & similar.

I assume it would be a reference to the “royal” abbreviations. “HRH” for “His Royal Highness”, for example. Presumably, “HRC” would be “Her Royal C____”. I leave it to your imagination and political inclinations to fill in the blank.

Googling her royal c— brings up only a few BDSM stories. The phrase really doesn’t seem to be very commonly used.

No, Hillary-haters aren’t irrational, nosiree. Uh uh.

Further thought…we generally don’t abbreviate names in this way, and they just sound slightly odd. Except for JFK. The ex-Tory leader Iain Duncan Smith liked to do it, and ended up half a syllable away from a digestive condition. Hillary gets close to being a main topic of conversation for menopausal women.

All I came up with, too.

Unless it’s a pronunciation thing… the letter-writer may have thought that “aitch arr see” may sound enough like “itch arsey” to be amusing, perhaps?

I’m not seeing major comedy material here, either way.

I think WotNot’s put his finger on it, if you’ll excuse the metaphor.

To be arsey in British English means to be obstreperous.

Then again, I had to think for a few seconds to come up with any problem with “HRC” - the letter-writer is being a little over-imaginative here, I think.

Her Royal Consort?