A mere 3 or 4 days after my original post asking “Why aren’t we flying?” I see that tomorrow’s (6/11) NY Times Sunday Magazine has an entire article asking (and answering) same! (Title: “Canceled Flight” by Jaime Wolf; the article will surely be posted on the NYT website tomorrow; check it out soon though, 'cause after they archive it you gotta pay to read it.)
Wolf does a very comprehensive job of detailing the development of personal flying devices, and one can’t help but coming to the conclusion that – as I originally suspected – the technological problems are by no means insurmountable. I mean 60 mph for 30 mins. – which is the capability of the 1985 WASP II “flying garbage can” as Wolf calls it – is a vast improvement over the 20+ secs. flight time of the original Rocket Belt (a la James Bond and Lost in Space). The problem, it seems to me, is a lack of initiative and imagination on the part of the developers/manufacturers.
Regarding HorseloverFat’s earlier post about Solotrek: I had no trouble finding an up-and-running Solotrek website, so maybe they’re back in business. Frankly, I think (and hope) those guys are on to something.
A big “thank you” to all who posted replies to my question. But before I sign off to think of more of life’s great mysteries, here’s a parting observation that will, no doubt, get me into a lot of trouble and make me a lot of enemies:
I am pretty new to the Straight Dope online, though I’ve religiously read the hard-copy Q&As since the very first book was published. I love Cecil, I love the SD, and I even love most of my fellow posters.
Here’s my complaint: there are too many pooh-poohing, nay-saying, close-minded cynics who think they know why everything is wrong or can’t succeed … and boy do they want to let the world – and the SDMB – know it! I base this observation not just on the comments on this thread, but throughout the SDMB. (Take the thread about the new Sackie dollar coins, for example. All those posters, standing on their e-soap boxes proclaiming: THE SACKIES WILL NEVER SUCCEED! THE SACKIES WILL NEVER SUCCEED!) If you have an opinion, fine. But state it as such. It’s ironic that posters who would salivate at the opportunity to debunk fortune telling are the first to unflinchingly make such grand predictions.
Don’t get me wrong, I am a scientist at heart (though not by profession), and I am the first to denounce a crackpot idea when the evidence is in. But there’s too much opinion, speculation and theory out there that people are trumpeting as gospel.
A telling story with which to end my post. Then you may fire at will.
"There is an immortal entry in the Minutes of the Paris Academy of Sciences recording the reception of the first phonograph: “No sooner had the machine emitted a few words than the Permanent Secretary threw himself upon [the man conducting the demonstration], seizing his throat in a grip of iron. ‘You see, gentlemen,’ he exclaimed, ‘what it is…’ But, to the stupefication of everyone present, the machine continued to utter sounds.”
by Louis Pauwels & Jacques Berger
“The Morning After the Magicians”
(as excerpted in “Hodgepodge” by J. Bryan III)