Iraq’s human rights record under Saddam has been less than stellar. I don’t think I have to provide any cites to this specifically, you can Google it yourself to verify (A search for Iraq torture “human rights” returned 89,000 pages). Hell, it’s reported that they tortured their own Olympic athletes when they missed practices or didn’t perform up to par.
Now, I freely admit that I don’t believe these human rights atrocities are the reason we’re invading Iraq. But, when it all comes down to it, does that really matter? It seems to me that a lot of people who are currently in the “dove” category regarding the war are the same people who, in times of peace, were some of the most vocal about the issues and problems with Saddam’s leadership.
Forget disarmament, forget arguing about whether this invasion is justified based on Iraq’s adherence to resolution 1441. Instead, focus for a minute on the fact that, in Saddam’s reign, tens of thousands of Iraqi citizens (figures from this) have been tortured, murdered, or have just plain disappeared. Saddam has been in power for over 20 years and shows no signs of cleaning up his own act in this regard. Saddam’s sons are just as bad, so it seems that “waiting it out” isn’t an option either.
So, it’s my position that many of the Iraqi people have been at war (a war as one-sided as Saddam’s army’s war against the U.S. will likely be) with their leader for 20 years. Isn’t this then justification enough for the invasion? If your goal is real peace for Iraq, isn’t the forced removal of this regime really the only option in this regard? Why then are so many people who are supposedly for peace against this invasion? It seems a bit short-sighted to me.