I honestly don’t understand what seems to me to be a pretty big contradiction in the peace movement. When I went to visit a friend in DC we went to the peace protest to see it. At that point a question gestated in my head which has only now really come to fruition.
I’m overdue on my article for teemings and I’m thinking about writing about my experience at the protest.
I didn’t articulate this contradiction at the protest, but I’d like to do so now, and hopefully get some insight.
To put it baldly, I see the peace protesters as those who wish to promote basic human rights and decency. I see them as people who feel it is their mission to do what they can to stop agression and violence, and coercion. They protest for people to save lives.
What seems so very different to me this time is that there is perhaps no people in the entire world who are suffering such violations of basic human rights as the Iraqi people.
Iraq is a rich co
untry whose people are dependant upon aid because of their regime. It is a regime which has practiced genocide upon the Kurdish people within its own borders, killing severeal hundred thousand. People live in squalor and it’s a police state. Torture is the norm. There are documented accounts that Saddam’s people have purchased industrial plastic shredders specifically for the purpose of torturing people. Feet first, on low, they die slow.
By all accounts Saddam Hussein truly is a monster, and his regime oppresses the populace of the entire country where people are routinely and deliberately deprived of the most basic of human rights.
I understand the argument about no blood for oil, about acting unilaterally, about working within the world community…
But, it seems inescapable to me that those who are protesting the war are in actual effect arguing for the preservation of this regime.
If somebody doesn’t end it, it will remain and the repression will continue.
I understand that civilian lives will be lost, and there’s a counter at Yahoo estimating the loss. Last night it was between 500-750 or so.
That’s bad, and more will be lost. But how many lives are being destroyed and lost every year under Saddam?
Removing the regime will reduce atrocities and save lives. it will improve lives. It will greatly reduce or eliminate most if not all of these horrible human rights abuses. It will certainly end the ethnice cleansing.
How can one take a stance that argues to preserve the repression of millions, torture, genocide and the rest of it?
Is not ending it a worthy thing to do?
I know some people we’re just doing it for the oil, or whatever selfish reason, and I don’t think so, but I don’t really know. It seems to me that it doesn’t matter.
To topple the regime and give the opportunity for freedom to these people is in and of itself a worthy thing.
So, if you are against the war, can you tell me how your able to take a stance that argues for the preservation of Saddam’s regime?