Hurray for Korea! And kimchi...

A Korean goes to space! And, they make sure he has kimchi. I love kimchi. And I know its smell offends some people. After millions of dollars and years of research, South Korean scientists successfully engineered kimchi and nine other Korean recipes fit for space travel. When the Russian space authorities this month approved them for Ko’s trip, the South Korean food companies that participated in the research took out full-page newspaper ads.

HAHAhahahahaha . . .

Sorry, that made me laugh.

Korean people are so weird about kimchii. I think Korean women secretly flavor it with crack.

I’m an American who learned to love kimchi while stationed in Korea. I still miss Korean food in general. I have a couple of cookbooks, and have tried some recipes for different dishes, but it just isn’t the same.

Another American here who also likes KimChi. I used to go to a Korean restaurant and they’d serve five or six kinds with the meal. I’ve made my own once or twice and it was pretty good, to me at least.

I say good for them and I`m eagerly awaiting the moment they shoot up all the kimichi world stock into outter space.

Actually my evaluation of the stuff is just “meh”, I may pick little bits of it when the rest of the food is gone.

Me…I LOVE KIMCHI. Love love love.

The impression I got is that it’s hard to get it to turn out right when making at home unless you can bury it in the ground. :slight_smile:
P.S. Go Korea!

Or have one of those new-fangled kimchii fridges.

I had some rather good pa-kimchi with lunch today.

Can you get them here? Hmm… I may have just thought of my wife’s Christmas present for next year…

(Go Korea!!)

Count me in as another who loves kimchii. Absolutely my favorite hamburger topping of all time. If they can ship decent kimchi into space maybe there is a hope of buying good stuff over the Internet.

How about that they were afraid that cosmic rays could cause ordinary earth kimchi to mutate and become dangerous?

And there’s another article on the topic which shows a picture of the can of kimchi. (It’s like a can of tuna with a pull-tab. Do they eject the can into space, or hold onto it until landing?) It has a label–as though they were going to sell it in a supermarket–which says: “ Kimchi 김치 –Korean Space Food”–and there’s a little picture of a cartoon astronaut.

Maybe they think there’s going to be a market for “Korean Space Food.”

They do sell them in the US. I’d think that in California, of all places, you’d be able to find a kimchii fridge pretty easily. :wink:

They’re common in Koreatown in L.A. Or you might try Convoy street in San Diego.

Convoy Street would be my guess… I’ve never looked for one, as it never occurred to me! Now that it has occurred to me, I bet I know just where to find one… :wink:

Please enlighten me. What is a kimchii fridge?

It’s a small-ish fridge. For Kim-Chi. Lookie here.

As I understand it,the inside consists of drawers that you can shuffle the Kimchi around in as it ages… I’ve never actually looked in one, though.

It’s supposed to be specially made to keep the kimchii fresh. You can keep other vegetables in there as well. There are different settings. Traditionally people bury kimchii in the ground to keep it cool.

Another kimchii addict here! I love to go to a local Korean supermarket and browse the kimchii bar. There must have about 30 kinds at our local Han Kook market. I think I could live on the stuff with a little rice and tofu. I particularly like the cubed radish kind.

Didn’t I read somewhere that kimchii was super nutritious or something? That would make it worth the payload weight to take it into space.

It keeps the vampires away, at any rate.

Ah, I see. Thanks!