I am a poker goddess...

Or at least I am one today.

Played a single table qualifier on pokerrroom for the $50 Daily multi. When we got to heads up, my opponents stack was $14,750, and my stack was $250.

I won.

Then I played the tourny itself, 157 people. at the one hour mark, blinds were $200. My stack was $500, and I was ranked 50th of 51 remaining players.

I finished 3rd and won $860.


An excellent day. Winning would have been nice, but that will come. The 3rd place is deply sweet.
(I really needed this. I was starting to really questions my sanity. AA cracked 11 of 13 times over two weeks, and I was a lock to lose any all in where I was favored by 75% or more to win. I was losing hands that were 97% in my favor.)

I need your luck tonight. I’m supposed to play a few rounds with the guys in the family. Last time I played, I couldn’t catch a break and didn’t even come close to winning any of the 3 rounds we played. My girlfriend, OhFace, was able to take home winnings from one round. About $80 or so all in all. She was proud that she beat a table full of guys. I was happy it wasn’t her that knocked me out. :frowning:

Congratulations! I know that’s gotta feel great.

Like Flander said, I managed to win a round against all his male cousins last weekend. It felt great to play with “the guys” for the first time and win a round!

Take those winnings and treat yourself with at least part of it. :slight_smile:

Flander, good luck tonight!

Damn, sorry, that was me. :smack:

Excellent work. It’s been a good 24 hours for me online poker-wise speaking as well. I did get bad-beat out of a tourney on Hollywood but before and after people were just lining up to throw their money at me at the cash games. Isn’t it swell to ride a rush?