I am a word that rhymes with ''witch''

Ya, you know, the “B” word, so don’t piss me off today.

My little rants are so lame, I didn’t figure they were even worthy of the Pit. Plus, mostly I’m just whining.

I had late softball games on Monday night. In the rain. In 38 degree windchill. (Ah, fall ball. Why do I torture myself?) I didn’t get home until 10:15 p.m. I called a friend and didn’t get off the phone and in bed until 11:45 p.m. (I don’t regret the phone call in the least and would do it again in a New York minute- it’s just an ingredient in the mix.)

I’m an 8-hour girl. I need 8 hours of sleep to be a human. To be my perky little self.

Well, yesterday was fine. I got along on that “I haven’t had enough sleep, but I’m hangin’ in there” buzz. That and a big ol’ sweet cup of coffee. And a Coke.

Well, being as tired as I was, I didn’t sleep well last night. And that’s where it started to go downhill. It was too hot, the cats were all over me, hubby was hogging the bed or snuggling too much (don’t you roll your eyes at me!), my nightgown was getting all wrapped around me, the blankets were just wrong – all bunching up and suffocating you. Plus, I woke up with a sinus headache. Oh, joy rises in me like a summer morn…. blah.

I’m PMSing. Money is short for the coming month. And I’m on a very short leash at home lately and it sucks. The department newsletter I’m working on is a hair shirt. There’s political crapola at work that just makes me want to strangle people. (How is it that some guys can be more b****y than most women?! 'Splain, please.)

And I’m tired. Very tired.

Don’t mess with the tired Bunny – I’ve got the big, nasty, pointy teeth out today. An’ I ain’t afraid to use 'em!!

Anyone else appreciatin’ my position here?

I not only can appreciate, but empathize. Especially about the short leash and the newsletter. Although that’s only because the editor is on my back to submit something by last week.

Just hang in there, and try not to hurt anyone. :slight_smile:

I hear ya, Bunny. There are times when the rest of the world exists for the express reason of pissing you off.

I’ll send some good vibes over your way. Don’t forget – the folks here still love ya! (Or would, if Mr. Bunny didn’t have something to say about it.) :smiley:

Bwwahaaha! :snort: that’s funny. Thanks for the laugh!

<bowing> 'Tis what I’m here for, milady. I will be here all the week. :slight_smile:

Lemme see…

Last night my one of my grocery bags broke half way home. The guy at the food store had REFUSED to double bag them, even though I told him I’d be walking two miles with them, and I was too tired to argue and didn’t want to hold up the line. So I put what I could in my satchel and combined the rest and carried a small bag of potatoes like a baby. Whole Foods Bag Nazi!

I am coming down with a cold. You know, that sore scratchy throat and sneezing and craving for orange juice that comes right before you get a cold? I’ve got it.

I overslept this morning. It was freezing in my apartment. I have a really gross zit coming in on the side of my nose.

I had to wait forever for a bus (as if it weren’t already late enough) and when I did a few of the passengers got into an altercation with each other and the bus driver and got kicked off the bus and refused to go…It was a bit scary, these big imposing guys yelling at the busdriver and him yelling back. A new form of road rage.

Our computer system at work is completely hosed by a virus. We keep trying to fix it, we’ve given users instructions and virus protection software up the wazoo, and every single day some moron here clicks on a suspicious email attachment or forgets to run the software fix and we get completely infected again. Plus, even though I’m a temp, I have to sit through about 16 hours of planning meetings a week to take notes, even though all the notes get written on the white board and I could just as easily take them down afterward for 15 minutes.

My boy is having an icky day too.

Just everyone stay out of my way. Anything from handy misspelling herpes to Wildest Bill using the word “towel-head” could set me off. I have a BBQ Pit and I’m not afraid to use it.

Awwww… arn’t you just the cutest thing!!!

I hear ya, girlfriend! You know about my situation. I’m tired and sad and depressed and cranky. Part life shit, part hormones. Feh.

:Bunny gets out bullwhip:

Better run, boy!

That would be me. And just so we all know boys can be bitches too, i won’t go into detail about MY bad mood, but…

Fuck Santa Claus, the Easter Bunny, Ronald MacDonald, Spuds Mackenzie, the entire case of Rent and their agents; fuck virus-writing buttheads and users who will insist on downloading them, people who say “God is on our side,” New York subway drivers who speak as if their tonsils have been ripped out and stuffed back up their noses; fuck every single member of the National Rifle Association, past, present, and future, and, unless you’re someone I know and love very well, fuck YOU too!

It’s been that kind of a day. And it’s only noon.

God, Mags. I’ve got a weird zit on the side of my nose, too. Creepy, how we often share nose-related problems.

Poor sweet Bunster, we’ve got lots to look forward to. Stamping on Sunday, Geobabe’s concert the next weekend…

Geobabe, I wish I knew our schedule well enough to tell you to blow off the car rental and just use one of ours while you’re here. But I don’t know what’s ahead for us and whether Mr. Cranky might have to be working.

I’d bitch more in this thread, but I just found $60 I forgot I had. That’s a lot of cheer.

awwwww Bunny you know I wouldn’t add to your burden.

Cranky is correct - there is much to look forward to. and the veritible clean wholesomeness of a stamping day will just convince hubby that SDMBers aren’t to be fear…

I’m sorry, I tried, it just couldn’t come out ok. Wholesome? Moi? (I have a stamp of a ‘dickhead’ for example, but yea, I’ll have others you can show him instead)

I may be joining the ‘grumpy’ ranks my own self - at the ‘cubihell’ place that I have been sentenced to be in the AM’s, they’re having a ‘pot luck’ tomorrow. And, trying to be the (grit teeth) team player, I signed up to make egg rolls (it had a ‘bring a dish from your heritage’ theme, and I thought - hell, eggrolls work, right? right? oh well, it’s something that I can make that folks seem to enjoy anyhow).

So, last night we stop at the grocery to pick up supplies (we being son and I - who, by the way, when I asked if he would stop in and meet y’all, inquired if any of you had daughters. ) So, we get home, and I’m snuggled under the blankies, and son casually mentions “so, what are you going to wear tomorrow?” Huh?

seems that this evening, his soccer game is “Senior Night” (no, Senior as in high school, I’m old but not quite that old thankyewverymuch), which means parents of the Seniors on the team are introduced and we walk up the field w/them, give them a flower or something like that.

So, Soccer game will end (soonest) 8:30 or so. Earliest I’ll get home (barring stopping and feeding the lad - hah! think you can avoid feeding a 17 year old after a soccer game? not if you value your fingers) is about 9 (more likely 9:45), then start to make eggrolls (50 of them).

You’ll want to stay out of my way tomorrow.

Ooooooo-kay, I think I’ll stay over here on my end of campus for a day or three… :eek:

What the hell does THIS mean?

And, you make me sneeze, too.

Let’s see - I’m a bitch, too. But that’s just a general thing. Lately what has been happening in my life is just fine fine fine - no bitching from me today.
Unless you want to count the fact that New Boyfriend is away and I haven’t seen him in awhile - but I don’t really count that. He’ll be back eventually.

:Ginger offers a pair of soccer boppers to Bunny and stands there taking the perky little blows - like a man.

You sent me a funny cheer up/chin up card so you must be a bich. 'cause bich means gererosity.
Thanks Bunny Girl

Superdude, IIRC, a hair shirt was worn by religious penitents in order to increase their suffering – they were incredibly itchy and scratchy (as you can probably imagine). So, referring to something as a ‘hair shirt’ means it’s a real pain in the caboose.

Hope that helps. :slight_smile:

“And with bitch, drop the ‘t’, 'cuz ‘bich’ is Latin for gen-er-o-si-TEE…”

What is it with the Women of the SDMB[sup]TM[/sup] these days?

Yesterday, Nymy throws this out there and today l’il Bunny is a foul tempered rodent.

At least Ginger is in a perky [sub](mmm, perky Ginger)[/sub] mood.

I’m glad my biggest worry is just that of being cut open and having part of my mouth sliced out.

Well, I feel like a three year old offering a bandaid and a bunch of dandilions for all the good this does, but…

…feel better, Bunny. Bad days shouldn’t happen to nice people.

Here. Have another Godiva strawberry.

Well, you know, thinkster, that when a group of women works or socializes frequently for a period of time, their menstrual cycles generally become synchronized. Yup. That means exactly what you think it means.

All Doper gals on their period at the same time [sub]possibly[/sub].

Stop hyperventilaing - I know its scary.

And honestly, y’all, I can vent here, but I really do not ever allow myself to take out my bitchyness on the innocents around me. Unless they deserve it. :wink:

Ralf, stay far away, my friend. Our grad secretary here and I are both in the same vein today. :shudders:

Thanks, Juni, chocolate always helps, doesn’t it?

Zebra, glad you liked the card!
Zanshin, :smiley: