I know that due to nature, the law of balance or whatever else, not everyone can be attractive, so there HAVE TO BE ugly individuals. But I just hate being on this side of the fence… in my opinion, the grass is certainly greener for beautiful individuals - especially beautiful women.
I’m plain, at best. I may not be gross looking, but I certainly don’t get noticed. I live in a very male dominated society, and for example, I participate in a group in which we discuss philosophy and stuff. We’re all in our 20s and we invite people to join. I was invited by my sister. Other females in the group usually invite people because they’re friends with them, irrespective of their gender. But males in the group do this: they invite males who are smart, who will be able to contribute, who are intellectual, you get the point… but with females, they usually go by who is hotter and likes to party, but who also might not get bored by discussing philosophy. Yesterday we had a meeting and afterwards we had a few drinks (these college kids, huh?) and the guys were discussing female prospects for a good couple of hours… “so and so is HOT we should tell her to join…” “no, no, she’s hot, but she might not like the meetings” “she’s smart, but she’s too ugly”
I’m pretty smart (or so I’ve been told), but it seems unless you’re “hot” you’re off of guys’ radars… If brains are more important than looks, then why are looks more valued by males? I really don’t get it, as the guys who participate in this group aren’t statuesque Greek-god-types either… some of them are even uglier than I am!
I’ve been told I’m ugly on several occasions, and it sucks, sometimes I think I’d rather sacrifice a bit of IQ (but only a little) in order to be hotter… it’s not even about getting laid, but about the fact that men treat hot women better… it may be just because they’re horny and wanna get laid, but at least they treat them better. I often get ignored, or if I have something to say, they just don’t care. It’s as if being a smart woman has no value at all…
It’s all about tit size, face, whatever… my face is quite plain. My tits are small. I am pear shaped (I hate shopping for the same reason). I’m not overweight, and yet I still look bad because my bottom half is too big compared to the rest of my body… I wish I had big tits and no hips… at least then I wouldn’t look so matronly… “child bearing hips”, ugh, I don’t even wanna have kids (yet… don’t think I ever will)!
So yeah it’s pretty pointless and it’s the inside that matters, but you know what? that’s BS, if it truly were the inside that matters, bulimia, anorexia and other body image issues wouldn’t exist, there would be no make up, breast implants or any other superficial crap! And I know self esteem is my responsibility, but sometimes I really hate this superficial society and wish that Hollywood would burn down… I know beautiful people didn’t choose to be born beautiful, I just hate that society puts them in a pedestal to the detriment of the ugly population.